Yesterday I talked about searching for quotes as writing prompts. With all due respect to Norman Lear (born on this day in 1922) and Jerry Van Dyke (born on this day in 1931), I didn’t find anything particularly inspiring.
I was inspired, however, yesterday when I was reading a book about establishing a freelance writing career.
While I was reading, I’m not sure what prompted me to pull up the original cast recording of Pippin. I’ve not listened to that in a while. So, I added it to my Apple music and listened away.
As Pippin sang, I was taken back to my college years with what I once considered my signature song.
Everything has its season Everything has its time Show me a reason and I’ll soon show you a rhyme Cats fit on the windowsill Children fit in the snow Why do I feel I don’t fit in anywhere I go?
Rivers belong where they can ramble Eagles belong where they can fly I’ve got to be where my spirit can run free Got to find my corner of the sky
Truth is, I was never right to play the part of Pippin, even in my skinniest days.
Mug Shots (click the pic)
Don’t laugh, I had them. Sort of.
On a side note, I was also not right to play Oberon in our college production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. When I saw the costume, or lack thereof, I realized why.
I digress.
I had dreams. I was going to have it all.
And when I got down or discouraged, I’d pull out the vinyl copy of Pippin and listen to that song again. Over and over.
The last verse of the song says:
So many men seem destined To settle for something small But I won’t rest until I know I’ll have it all
I’m not sure I want it all anymore. I’d just have to find a place to put it.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t still things I want. I have my bucket list.
One of the things on that list is to experience the annual pony swim on Assateague Island. I missed it again yesterday.
But I remember fondly watching a film in grade school that told all about the swim. I was an adult before I realized that was in Virginia.
One of these days, Alice, straight to the moon…er…Island…for the pony swim.
One of these days I’ll publish my own book about writing and, unlike the one I read yesterday, mine won’t have any typos.
I still have my bucket list. I still have things I want to do in the next 20-30 years.
Some of them, I’m doing now. Or at least working on.
Granted, my list is much different than it was in college. And, that’s okay.
This is not one of those cases where I’m saying “If I knew then, what I know now.”
Much to the contrary. Had I known at age 20 or 21 what all life would have had in store for me, I probably would’ve run in the other direction.
And, back then, I could have.
But life doesn’t work this way. As I’ve mentioned, if nothing else, I’ve got lots of story material.
I don’t have my Corner in the Sky, and I’m not quite ready for that little cabin in Glory, but here in my own corner of the world, things aren’t so bad.
Sure, I’ve got health issues, and money issues, and pain-in-the-ass work issues. Who doesn’t?
I’ve also got my family, the livestock (which could also fit in the above paragraph), a fine house that needs repairs and a good purging, but still keeps us quite comfortable, my writing, my acting, and more jobs than I can shake a stick at.
Or is that beat with a stick?
I digress.
I’ve also reached that certain age when my (printable) response to people getting in my way, or doubting me, or being the pain-in-the-ass-at-work, is pffffff!
Or something like that.
Things aren’t so bad here in my corner.
How about yours?
The Myth of Trump’s Do-Nothing Presidency The Wall Street Journal
To gauge a president’s impact you have go beyond the laws he signs to the vast authority he wields through departments and agencies that apply the law. On that score, Mr. Trump is on track to do a lot.
So You’ve Decided to Write: Will You Tell the Truth? Terry McDonell at Literary Hub
Editors should never preach and that is not my intention, but whether you’re a journalist or a writer of fiction or an editor of either one, when you look in the mirror you should think tireless or dogged or maybe even a stronger word (indefatigable?) to describe what you need to be to become successful, and what you should be as you go after the truth—which is your job.
Inside Trump’s snap decision to ban transgender troops Politico
House Republicans were planning to pass a spending bill stacked with his campaign promises, including money to build his border wall with Mexico…But an internal House Republican fight over transgender troops was threatening to blow up the bill.
Dear Daily News, Have You ASKED God to Fix It? The Write Side of My Brain
Trouble in this world doesn’t mean that God isn’t in control or that he doesn’t care. It means that we’re a broken people and he wants to restore our relationship.
American singer and actress, Maureen McGovern, was born on this day in 1949. Let’s let this song take us back to my early teenage years…but let’s not stay there too long…
I’m sharing this. It has taken me two trips to Chincoteague and another one coming up to get to the place that I’m willing to be there for the swim. I’m thinking next year, Y’all should join us. Rooms need to be booked months in advance by the way and that brings me back to why I’ve not wanted to be there. I needed to experience the Island in a less tourist way (in spite of the oyster festival that we attend, it’s not swamped with tourists). I feel at home on the island and have a great love for it and the people there in a general sense. Now and only now can I be there for something I desire deeply, because if the swim was the first experience, I’m not sure I would have felt the need to return. I love the small “townishness” of Chincoteague and have experienced the homecoming parade where they toss candy into the streets and I’ve ridden the trolley and talked with people who are natives and the people they call “come upons”. I love that place, it feels like home to my heart.
That’s cool. I haven’t actually been to Chincoteague in over 30 years (the last time I was on a campaign staff). I’ve camped on the Maryland side of Assateague with the ponies and the deer walking right through the campsites. Let’s talk about the swim. Seriously. I’ll get there before I get back to the Grand Canyon.
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I’m sharing this. It has taken me two trips to Chincoteague and another one coming up to get to the place that I’m willing to be there for the swim. I’m thinking next year, Y’all should join us. Rooms need to be booked months in advance by the way and that brings me back to why I’ve not wanted to be there. I needed to experience the Island in a less tourist way (in spite of the oyster festival that we attend, it’s not swamped with tourists). I feel at home on the island and have a great love for it and the people there in a general sense. Now and only now can I be there for something I desire deeply, because if the swim was the first experience, I’m not sure I would have felt the need to return. I love the small “townishness” of Chincoteague and have experienced the homecoming parade where they toss candy into the streets and I’ve ridden the trolley and talked with people who are natives and the people they call “come upons”. I love that place, it feels like home to my heart.
That’s cool. I haven’t actually been to Chincoteague in over 30 years (the last time I was on a campaign staff). I’ve camped on the Maryland side of Assateague with the ponies and the deer walking right through the campsites. Let’s talk about the swim. Seriously. I’ll get there before I get back to the Grand Canyon.