Which party is the violent party again?

Those who forget the past are condemned to believe the liberal media spin.

You know the narrative. Conservatives/Republicans and their guns.

They’re mean.

They’re hate mongers.

They’re violent.

Baloney. Salami. And a whole tray of assorted luncheon meats.


MSNBC’s Martin Bashir “blows up” Mitt Romney’s tour bus:

H/T Liberty News

Current TV’s Joy Behar wants one of Mitt Romney’s houses to burn down: I mean, I’d like to see his house burn, one of his millions of houses burning down. Who’s he going to call, the Mormon fire patrol?

H/T Newsbusters

And here in Virginia, Democrat operative “Mudcat” Saunders needs bulletts to take out Eric Cantor:

“We cannot win this campaign, cannot tell the story on Eric Cantor, if we don’t have bullets.”

H/T Bearing Drift

This really is nothing new. We’ve seen this behavior from the left for years.

I need to step up my cardio.


Darn it.

I’ve been on this weight loss journey most of my life. But this year, I finally took it seriously, gave up on the fad diets, gave up on the thought of magical surgery and decided it was time to do it the old fashioned way: Eat less, exercise more.

I’ve done fairly well with it. Although I will admit to being slightly concerned about what the scales will say after Father’s Day weekend. Still, I’m further along than I was in April by about twenty pounds.

I’ve been counting the calories and attempting to swim as many mornings a week as possible. The swimming is very good for my arthritis. On those days when the temperatures are such that I’m not risking heat stroke, I also try to walk at lunch. Reality is, that’s probably on hold until the fall.

But even with the swimming, the scales haven’t moved as quickly in June as they did in April or May. So I need to kick it up a notch, so to speak.

I know the benefits of cardio exercise, but I’m just not in good enough shape to swim and get my heart rate without risking the added side effect of say…drowning.

So it’s back to the treadmill to get the heart pumping.

On the bright side, I recently signed up for Spotify Mobile after the internet Nazis blocked the regular site at work. (seriously, I’m more productive with music). So that will help with the time on the treadmill.  First up: Chariots of Fire

I’ll alternate days with the pool.  But I look forward to spending some time with the treadmill.


Previous posts in this journey.

Rainy Days And Weighing In On Monday Always Get Me Down…

The Exercise Dilemma

And Now, We Do Something About It