George Lucas: We Want Our Money Back

When I first saw Star Wars in 1977 it as revolutionary. Face it, we were in the malaise of the Carter Administration. We needed to see some good guys blowing stuff up.

But since the original trilogy, George Lucas has continued to produce prequels and remakes that just don’t live up to the original series.

And now, he commits blasphemy.

In the continued sissification (oh c’mon, that’s all it is) of Hollywood that took weapons out of the hands of the police in ET, Lucas now says that Han didn’t shoot first.

From Gizmodo: George Lucas Now Says That Han NEVER Shot First As He Shoves Star Wars 3D Down Your Throat

No, George, you can draw all the lasers you want and add all the wider shots you want, but you can’t rewrite history. If Greedo had shot first in that scene setting you directed, Han would be dead, period. Nobody can miss at that distance. Not even a stormtrooper.

Michael Graham has a video comparison:

Graham says: As a pro-property-rights, libertarian-leaning conservative, I would absolutely support a federal government raid of Lucas’s Skywalker Ranch, the complete seizure of all Star Wars-related materials—as well as all of Lucas’s copyrights—so that the prequels could be destroyed and the story re-told from scratch by competent screenwriters and directors.


The original Star Wars was magic.

Lucas needs to leave it alone.

And Now, We Do something About It

I saw myself in a mirror last night.

Yes, I know, I do that every morning to shave, comb my hair and put in my contacts. But this was different.

I took the almost-12-year-old to dinner at a Chinese restaurant. Mom’s out of town. I didn’t want to cook. Dinner was okay. This particular place is better for carry out than dine in.

But when we stood up to go, that’s when I saw my reflectin in the wall if mirrors, and thought “Oh…my…”

I looked horrible.

Look, I’ve known all my life that I’ve had weight issues. It was only a short time in and after college that I was in pretty good shape.

And I have a constant quest to lose weight, get in to shape. But it’s a battle I’ve been losing for years.

That changes. Right now.

The losing of the battle ends. The losing of the weight begins.

I’ve tried most “solutions” with little or no luck. I’ve done Atkins, the Grapefruit Diet, the Six Week Body Makeover, Right Size Smoothies and more. They’ve all had a measure of success, But none that lasted.

Over the years I’ve spent enough on diet remedies and gym memberships to buy that new wardrobe I was lamenting yesterday.

So, no more “magic” fixes. Change begins today.

I am setting a goal to make one positive health/weight related change in my life every day. I’ve actually done pretty well in limiting fast food and soda since the first of the year. This morning was the third time I’ve been through a drive through since January 1. That’s an improvement because it wasn’t the third time since Monday.

But that’s it. That’s today’s positive change. No more fast food. No more soda.

It’s going to take some discipline.

My plan is that if fast food is my only food option, I don’t eat. Same with soda.

I’ve done some research, and am continuing to do more on nutrition and healthy eating plans. And I’m discovering how the diet industry has really wanted to keep me fat. See the above spending money reference.

But this is not a diet. It’s a lifestyle change.

I’m going to keep a running journal…no wait, not a running journal, I don’t run. But I’ll track my progress here.

I’ll not give a starting weight. But I’ll tell you how many pounds I’m down. Or up.

So, here goes.