Some Days

Some days I just want to pick up lunch at Chick-fil-a, go to Hobby Lobby and pickup crafts to make a Dr. Seuss poster, and then grab Starbucks on the way home.

I’m sort of ecumenical that way.

Some days I just want order pizza and finish off a bottle of wine and a pack of Golden Oreos.

Some days I want to write a good blog post.

I won’t tell you one of those I did last night.  Just know that there’s still a third of a bottle of wine and a half a pack of Oreos left.

And I have no idea where this blog post is going.

Don’t @ me Karen.

Yesterday, like I said, I found out I have another 60-day restriction on Facebook for meme I posted in November.

Seriously, show me on the doll where the meme hurt you.

Then the plumber showed up, and the bill after that.  At least the problem is fixed.

To top off the day, I tried to update some web stuff on my GoDaddy site and Google kept translating it into Spanish.

No entiendo.

As of 11:03 on Wednesday evening, that’s all I’ve got.

If the recent insomnia hits, I may be back.

Otherwise, I’ll try to be more coherent tomorrow.  Enjoy the links below.

And so that’s where I left off last night, not knowing if there would be more to write.

But thanks to one of the many lovely side effects of the hormone therapy I’m currently enduring (thanks to the cancer diagnosis), I was awake enough last night, and this morning, to be able to carry on.

As I got in bed with hopes, even dreams if you will, of sleeping, I remembered that we have one of the copies of the “controversial” Dr. Seuss books. We got much of the series when our oldest was born, and we’ve kept the copies. Then I actually remembered where the books were.

So, I pulled out my copy of And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street.

And I read it.

Then I thought “We got all farsnoozled over this?”

We have lost our minds.

But I thought also that some of the responses to my post yesterday (thanks to the friends that shared it), pointed out that the decision on the books was from the Seuss estate. Meaning that it was a free market decision.

I’m fully supportive of free market decisions. Even poor ones.

But let’s go to the video tape.

Yes, the decision not to publish the six books was made by Dr. Seuss Enterprises. Absolutely their right to do so.

But the issue of more concern to me were the actions of the Loudoun County School District as we approached Read Across America Day. The day is designated on the birthday of Theodor Geisel because he indeed taught so many children to love reading.

I’m one of them.

The story first broke that Loudoun was banning Dr. Seuss. But after some backsplaining, they said, they were just “just discouraging a connection between Read Across America Day, which was created to get kids excited about reading, and Dr. Seuss’ birthday.”

I did not have textual relations with that book, Ms. Lewinski.

Poor decisions and poorly worded explanations aside, this issue is more troubling than just Dr. Seuss.

In January, an open letter signed by more than 500 book industry professionals called for publishers not to sign book deals with anyone who had worked in the Trump Administration.

That’s more than a little frightening when the people who are supposed to be free thinkers and all about open expression want to silence those with whom they disagree.

Like I said yesterday, let the market decide. If a book, or the author, offends you, then don’t read it, don’t buy it.

The problem comes when you try to silence it.

Yes, the publishers and the Dr. Seuss estate can do as they wish.

But if they ban everything that’s possibly offensive, life is going to get boring pretty quickly.





Writing Lessons: How to Navigate Pushback from Your Antagonist(s)
Marion Roach Smith

CPAC’s ‘Nazi Rune’ Stage Designed By A Liberal Company Which Has Worked For Biden, MSNBC
The National Pulse

Neera Tanden withdraws from nomination as Biden budget chief

Reporter calls out Jen Psaki with facts after Biden admin takes credit for vaccine deal
The Blaze

Foundations – Choosing a way to Live Life
EPIC Perspectives

Ban Dr. Seuss? Start With The Democratic Party Instead
Shaun Kenney at The Republican Standard

Fairfax County contemplating a flag ordinance

“Washington Football Team” announces that it’s ditching cheerleaders for a “co-ed dance squad” to be more “inclusive, modern, and diverse”
Not the Bee

Healing and Absolution
David L. Robbins writes about his experience with The Mighty Pen Project.
Boomer Magazine

Report: World Needs Equivalent Of Pandemic Lockdown Every Two Years To Meet Paris Carbon Emission Goals




The British History Podcast

Chopped Bard


    • Scott on March 8, 2021 at 6:36 am

    Interested in your comment, “I have another 60-day restriction on Facebook for meme I posted in November.”

    Rather than life & conversation getting more boring, I think there are going to continue to be stronger divisions between the two warring factions.

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