15 quotes to inspire journalists

It’s easy to find litanies of the things wrong with journalism today or the treatises of rumors and reasons it’s dying. This isn’t one of those lists. Instead, here’s a collection of quotes to inspire journalists and pay homage to those forging the future.

via 15 quotes to inspire journalists – 10,000 Words.

Personally, I’m blaming Mary Queen of Scots

I started off the year with great ambition.  I noted it all on the first day of the year with More or Less.  It wasn’t a list of resolutions, but a list of things I wanted to work on, or work less on.

Throughout most of January and February I was doing fairly well.  I was reading more than usual.  Working less.  Trying to spend more time playing, which included a trip to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, the Strange’s Orchid Festival and even taking in the latest Harry Potter movie at The Byrd.

I’ve been consistent in my Scripture reading plan at BibleGateway.com.  Admittedly some mornings I’ve been more alert through the readings than others.  And I’ve either been to the gym or taken a 2-plus mile walk most weekdays.  Somedays, I’ve done both.

And, with the decision not to go back to my weekend job at Kings Dominion, I’m managing to work less.  So far.

In the last week and a half or so, I’ve been a little out of sync.  I’ve pondered whether it was the addition of the rehearsal schedule, or maybe it was going back to Netflix. 

I finally think I’ve figured it out.  I have a stack of library books. And for a few weeks I was going through at least one if not two books every week.  But the last trip there I picked up a copy of “Mary Queen of Scots.”  I’m fascinated with British (and Scottish) history and I never really felt like I learned it well in school. 

But while Mary’s life is fascinating, the reading is a bit dry.  And in two weeks I’m only about a third of the way through the book.  I’m determined not to give up.  I will finish.

I’ll also get everything else back in sync.  I’m working on that.  The lunch is packed for tomorrow.  Soon I’ll sign off to pack the bag for the gym.  I plan to get up early to read and then go swim. I can do it, I’ve done it before.

Part of me is even considering getting up and staying up at the traditional call of nature that seems to consistently come at about an hour before the alarm goes off.  So far I’ve managed to be awake enough at that hour to rationalize that since I went to bed at midnight, getting up at four a.m. wouldn’t be the wisest choice.

At the first of the year I started carrying with me a pocket size moleskin note book.  It’s been residing in my briefcase with my Daytimer.  Yes, I still write my schedule down.  Today the notebook started traveling with me in my pocket for those moments of inspiration.  It will be beside the alarm clock on my nightstand tonight in the event I can’t sleep.

The lesson here is that, even though I got a bit out of step, I can’t give up.

And, while Queen Mary may have thrown me off, I’m not going to lose my head over it.

So to speak.