And so, it begins

If you know what this week means, you understand the headline. If not, you will soon enough.

We joined the pool this weekend and spent a good afternoon there on Saturday. I didn’t need more sun exposure this weekend so we did traditional Sunday afternoon naps.

As it is written.

I can’t remember the last time we had a pool membership. I think it was when the yougest was still in middle school. He just finished his junior year at college.

But, we’ve all worked off and on at the amusement park since that time where there’s a handy waterpark. Plus up until about three years ago, we were spending a solid week in August at the beach.


My wife commented on the music playing at the pool. It was the local classic rock station.

I was reminded of my younger years growing up where I was at the pool every day of the summer. I’d be there when the doors open and, most days, would stay until the doors were locked.

We didn’t have a local radio station playing classic rock. In fact, in those days, it was just rock. The concession stand would put on a stack of 45s and we’d go from there.

I was going to write more, but news yesterday has me feeling a little sad today.

Quinn, the porcine inspiration for the CAT and PIG series, passed away peacefully in his sleep Saturday night. It hurts just a little bit that I never got to meet him in person.

Thanks Quinn, for the inspiration, for the laughs, for the memories.

That’ll do pig.

You can read about the special friendship of Quinn and his cat Herbie in my children’s books, linked below.


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