RECAFFEINATED MONDAYS: Love Makes the World Go ‘Round

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

John 15:13

Coffee doesn’t hurt.

It’s Monday. It’s Valentine’s Day.

Gentlemen, if you totally forgot, consider telling your significant other than you ordered something from Canada and it’s somewhere in the truck convoy.


I digress.

I had a rather dramatic weekend. By that I mean that we saw three theater shows. Two on Saturday. One yesterday. I wouldn’t normally do that, but family and work commitments made this the only weekend we could.

Anyway, three very different shows. Three very different settings.

It made me realize how much I miss theater, even though that’s one of the things I had to set aside during Last Summer’s Great Unpleasantness™.  Not to worry, I’ll get back to theater at some point in some form or another.

More to come. But not today.

Mug Shots
(click the pic)

It was also a sad weekend in Richmond as William Fox Elementary School suffered major fire damage on Friday night. A sad time for the school that had been a part of the community for more than 100 years. My wife pointed out that, while the students lost their school, the teachers lost years worth of resources. There are recovery efforts and efforts to support the community. If you’re local, help if you can.

We were also getting snow in Richmond, until we weren’t. That’s not a problem for me. Snow is best viewed in Christmas cards.

And apparently there was a game of some sort last night. As I’m writing this, I’ve not determined if I’ll be up late enough to know the outcome. I do know that I won’t be up late, or early enough, to note the outcome or snark about the “entertainment.” If you’re a fan, you don’t need me to report the score.

It’s Monday, and there’s work to be done. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t get as much done over the weekend as I might have. I’ve already given you the reasons.

But we keep going.

We’ve all got the same 24-hours in a day. What we do with it is up to us.

And remember, candy is half-priced tomorrow.

One more thing that’s taking up some time, but I think it will be worth it. I’ve joined #The100DayProject on Instagram. You can follow me there: mrfletcher58. Here’s yesterday’s entry to get your started.







Clinton campaign paid to ‘infiltrate’ Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia: Durham
Lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to “infiltrate” servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an “inference” and “narrative” to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia, a filing from Special Counsel John Durham says.  Read More.

Clinton campaign paid tech workers to dig up Trump-Russia connections: Report
New York Post
The Friday filing from a Department of Justice prosecutor tasked with investigating the origins of the FBI’s Russian probe served to throw cold water on Democrats’ longstanding allegations of collusion. Read More.

Biden-Putin Call Yields ‘No Fundamental Change’ In Russia-Ukraine Situation
Daily Caller
President Joe Biden’s 62-minute long phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin Saturday morning appeared to yield no major breakthroughs, with officials remaining concerned of an invasion into Ukraine. Read More.

Sunday Firesides: Look and Live
The Art of Manliness
There actually seems to be an inverse correlation between the simplicity of a solution, and people’s willingness to adopt it. Read More.


1882 – John Barrymore, American actor (d. 1942)
1894 – Jack Benny, American actor and producer (d. 1974)
1905 – Thelma Ritter, American actress and singer (d. 1969)
1913 – Woody Hayes, American football player and coach (d. 1987)
1913 – Jimmy Hoffa, American trade union leader (d. 1975)
1921 – Hugh Downs, American journalist, game show host, and producer (d. 2020)
1929 – Vic Morrow, American actor and director (d. 1982)
1934 – Florence Henderson, American actress and singer (d. 2016)
1944 – Carl Bernstein, American journalist and author
1946 – Gregory Hines, American actor, singer, and dancer (d. 2003)
1970 – Simon Pegg, English actor, director, and producer




Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Ephesians 3:20–21


Ronald Wilson Reagan
February 2, 1911 – June 5, 2004

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