Happy Holidays


On this date in 1973 Virginia born Secretariat one the Kentucky Derby in 1:59.40, an as-yet unbeaten record.

That’s right Virginia born.

And I went to school in the heart of Kentucky horse country.

The Derby will be run this weekend. I’ll not likely be watching but I wouldn’t snark at a julep or two. And I’d probably shed a tear at the singing of My Old Kentucky Home.

With the new lyrics. Look up the reference. It will do you good.

trumpmexicanAnd, for the record, Virginia could have learned from that lesson. Instead we remain the state with The-Song-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Come to think of it, “Hoggy, Hoggy Hogwarts” would be better than not having a song at all. Unfortunately, our muggle-heavy legislature just can’t quite seem to agree on a replacement. What’re you gonna do?

Today is also Cinco de Mayo which is:

1) NOT Mexican Independence Day, and thus less important than their actual Independence Day of September 16.
2) A chance for the average white American to drink Mexican beer and eat inauthentic “Mexican” food whilst pretending to be diverse and inclusive.

It does make you think about holidays and what we’re really celebrating. I mean, can you name an authentic American holiday that actually recognizes and celebrates the original meaning?

Not Christmas. Not Easter. Not even Halloween.

Maybe Independence Day, as long as you don’t say “Happy July 4th.” Everybody has a July 4th. It’s Independence Day. And it’s not the movie (although that was a darn fine film).

Maybe Thanksgiving. But that’s been overshadowed by football, Black Friday, and arguments about which stores are open or not.

Also: First Thanksgiving. Virginia. Look up the reference. It will do you good.

Speaking of other holidays, Sunday is Mother’s Day.

Today is Thursday. You still have time.

You may thank me now, or later. Or you may leave a tip in the jar on the way out.

Or not.

In other news, American actress and singer, Pat Carroll, was born on this day in 1927.



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