My favorite second job


Acting is everybody’s favorite second job.
– Jack Nicholson

American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter Jack Nicholson was born on this day in 1937.

Jack’s right.

If, sir, I may call you Jack.

Everyone I know in theatre is working at least one other job.  At least.

There are very few people, even fewer in this town, who make a living by acting only with no other means of support.  That doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

But the vast majority of us work other jobs so that we can afford to act.

I stayed away from the traditional stage for nearly 30 years because I knew that I couldn’t make a living as an actor.  I did consider it.

Also, I knew I wasn’t pretty enough.  True story.

But now, older and settled, I’m happy finding those character roles around town.  I love the stage and I’ve love the groups I’ve worked with.

It sounds pretentious, but I stopped looking for film and TV jobs.  Not that I won’t consider them.  But I prefer the stage and with limited time, that’s where I put my focus.

Reality is that if acting was my primary, or sole, source of income, I’d jump at every opportunity.

For now, I can look to the stage.  And I’m becoming more and more involved in the aspect of theatre management and promotion.  Because, I’m good at it.

Darn good.

I’m currently the Associate Producer for an upcoming event at CAT Theatre.


The Nieces of Lady Bumbleton, June 12 and June 13 at CAT Theatre.

The Nieces of Lady Bumbleton, June 12 and June 13 at CAT Theatre.

The Nieces of Lady Bumbleton is an English country ball that provides an immersive theatre experience.  Guests will enjoy scripted scenes as the family prepares for the event.  Likewise those in attendance will participate as the guests of Lady Bumbleton and experience period dancing and interacting with the characters.  Tickets are on sale now.

Go. Buy them.  Help me continue to look good.

In other news, it’s Earth Day.

Regardless of your politics or what you think about this day, it’s your job, and mine to take care of this planet.  Don’t waste stuff.  Don’t abuse stuff.  Don’t be a moron.

Also born on this day in 1936 was American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor Glen Campbell.

His song, I’m Not Gonna Miss You was his final recording after his 2011 diagnosis with Alzheimer’s disease.  Campbell and fellow songwriter Julian Raymond were nominated for Best Original Song at the 87th Academy Awards.  The award went to Glory from Selma.


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