There’s Something Rotten in the State of Dumfries


Truth be told the taxportation plan rammed through the General Assembly by the people I’d busted my behind to get elected under the “assurance” that they’d protect my freedoms and my wallet has pretty much turned me off from electoral politics.

I’m signed up as a delegate to the upcoming GOP convention. But, I’m not going.

I still want Ken Cuccinelli and Mark Obenshain to win, and they’ll get my vote. But I can’t promise them or the Lieutenant Governor candidate that they’ll get my activism.

News coming out today from Virginia Virtucon and being talked about elsewhere on the blogs pretty much doesn’t rise to the level of gutter politics.

Some nasty stuff about Lieutenant Governor candidates Pete Snyder and Scott Lingamfelter has been circulating around to convention delegates. But, no one seemed to be able to determine the source.

Until now.

Riley has pretty convincing evidence that the trail leads back to one Chairman of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors. See here and here.

This is all just ugly. And in the next two weeks may just get even uglier.

I don’t want to play with these kids anymore.

See also:

Bearing Drift: Breaking: Corey Stewart Behind Anti-Lingamfelter, Anti-Snyder Ads

BVBL: Corey Stewart’s Week Goes from Bad to Worse


1 pings

    • Lovettsville Lady on May 2, 2013 at 1:59 am

    Why do you let posts like the one above remain on your blog? It cheapens your writing.

    I agree with your points about the LG races. I am so disgusted with this race. I”m sick of all of it. 16 more days, and a nice weekend in Richmond, and we’re done. Thank Heavens!

    • Mike on May 2, 2013 at 3:11 pm

    The comment has been marked as spam. I have been unable to get to a computer until just now. Sorry it was up there so long.

    • Lovettsville Lady on May 3, 2013 at 1:25 am

    Thank you Michael! If only Bearing Drift would do the same thing and remove that trash. I think all the other Virginia blogs have removed it.

  1. […] (Shaun Kenney, who saw through that like it was Saran Wrap). It’s getting so bad that Mike over at Write Side has decided to skip Richmond’s convention […]

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