Sinless Hands

This morning in worship, I was struck by these words from Kristian Stanfill’s song “Beautiful Jesus.”

Your love O God, displayed for us as crimson covered over sinless hands…

The imagery of the wounded hands, bleeding by choice.  Blood shed willingly to cover our sin.

Hands that were sinless, pure, undefiled, stained by the cleansing blood of Christ, our Savior.

…as crimson covered over sinless hands…marvelous, powerful, life changing imagery.

He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

2 Corinthians 5:21

The Project: Step One, the Gathering

Yesterday I posted as my status that I was feeling the need to create something this weekend.  But I didn’ t know what.  I’ve had this particular project in mind for quite a while now, but just need the inspiration to get it moving.  The photo is a collection of trinkets brought back from my missions trip to New Orleans last year.  It was my second trip since Katrina.  This time we built a fence for a church planning to open a daycare.  Located on a busy street, they needed a safe place for the children to play.

There were six of us on the team.  We managed to finish the fence and do a number of other projects around the building.  I wanted something to remember the week.  So I gathered various items.  The block of wood was used to measure the height of the fence posts.  The beads were gathered from the ground in front of the church, thrown by revelers in the recent Mardi Gras celebration.  A piece of tile, my ticket, a sheet of measurements, and a cross purchased in the French Quarter.  Small items that gather together to remind me I was part of something bigger. 

I’m gathering these together into a shadow box display.  I’ll post the steps as I make progress.