I love this guy!

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter (and, if not, why not?) you’ll know that I frequently complain about the automated calls from Chesterfield County Public Schools telling me that school is closed or delayed.  They generally come well before 6:00 a.m.  While I do understand that buses start running not long after that,  my child doesn’t catch the bus until 8:40.  Plus, for years we’ve managed to figure out whether or not schools are closed by…oh…turning on the TV…and maybe even checking the Internet.

So I don’t see the need for the automated calls.  They’re annoying and a waste of time and money.  I love, however, how this Maryland father dealt with the same issue:

Md. father uses robocall to get revenge on school officials
The Washington Post

Awakened at 4:33 a.m. Wednesday by a ringing phone, Aaron Titus jumped out of bed in a panic…Sometime later in the day, the 31-year-old father from Fort Washington, a lawyer who knows a thing or two about technology, made a decision that might well bring amused satisfaction to like-minded parents everywhere.

Read on for his absolutely brilliant plan.

Just because you have technology, doesn’t mean you should use it.

For once, the immigration policy works…badly…

Because a 9 year old boy who wants to see Mickey Mouse is a threat to U.S. Security.

the US Embassy’s rejection letter to Micah said: “Because you either did not demonstrate strong ties outside the United States or were not able to demonstrate that your intended activities in the US would be consistent with the visa status, you are ineligible.”

via Boy, 9, has Disney World trip ruined after US immigration rules him a threat – Telegraph.