The Myth of the Perfect Writing Environment



If you’re passionate and dedicated and intend to get your writing done, buck up and do it. If you don’t have your perfect Moleskine with you or you left your lucky pen at home, then write on something else. Use a napkin. Use a crayon. Write. Get it done. Put your words into something so that you can look at them outside of your head. Get the first thoughts out. Get your notes into a format that will generate a real piece when the time is right.

via Chris Brogan’s  The Myth of the Perfect Writing Environment.

Sarah Palin: Why they love to hate her…

From around the web.

Why Sarah Palin Drives Them Wild
Jedediah Bila, Human Events
…to those who feel the need to tear you down in order to lift themselves up, Palin is an absolute nightmare. Because she’s “not going to sit down…not going to shut up.” Because in the face of vicious attacks and death threats, she continues to prove that she’s bigger and better than those who play dirty.

Palinoia, the Destroyer: What’s behind the left’s deranged hatred.
James Taranto, The Wall Street Journal
Professional jealousy and intellectual snobbery, however, only scratch the surface of the left’s bizarre attitude toward Palin.

The War Against Palin Goes On and On and…
Victor David Hansen, Pajamas Media
Is the problem with Palin that she uses inflammatory language far too loosely given her position of responsibility? Of course, evocation of “enemies, punishing, kicking ass, relegation to backseat, knives, guns, getting angry, getting in their face, hostage takers, trigger fingers, and tearing up” does not suit a national public figure and former vice presidential candidate. Oops, those allusions were Barack Obama’s, not Sarah Palin’s.

Mud Libel
Ann Coulter
The same people who had blamed Sarah Palin for the massacre at the Tucson Safeway and then taunted her for her “silence” were enraged when she responded.