There you are Connecticut


We miss you at The Diamond.

Finding that Balance

I need to find that balance between burning the midnight oil and getting up with the chickens.  I have reached the age when I can no longer do both.

So, how do I make that happen?  I work full time and frequently have multiple evening activities.

Last night it was almost 10:30 before I got to sit down at the computer and deal with the list I’d made throughout the day.  That meant I didn’t get to bed until well after midnight.

Needless to say that, when the alarm went off this morning, I told myself that getting enough sleep was more important than going to the gym to swim.

But, reality is, both are important.

Yes, I’ll get in a healthy walk today at lunchtime.  And yes, I turned down a donut this morning (okay I did have one last night).  But swimming helps keep my arthritis in check.  And I like to be able to move, and walk even.

There’s a balance there somewhere.  And it probably comes with prioritizing and better time management during the day.

I’ll put that on my list.

Right now, I’m late for work.