Redeeming the Day

This day didn’t turn out like I’d expected.  Up until Wednesday or so, I’d slated the day for much needed yard work.  Then I found out about an event at the 11-year-old’s school.  So, plans were changed.

They changed again when this morning he said he didn’t want to go.  So I got to work on the older child’s laundry since he’s heading back to school tomorrow.  He was returning from an errand (that paid even) to Roanoke and a friend’s birthday at JMU. He ran the errand for his mom because she was working on her days off. So it wasn’t until later that I got out in the yard.

I did some leaf cleanup, but I still have flower beds to clean out as well as the square foot garden.  I won’t have any early crops this year.  I’m okay with that.

And, I brought a little spring inside with some cut forsythia.  I’m hoping to not only provide some happy color inside, but that I can actually root these and plant them elsewhere in the yard.  Experts (at least the ones I can find on the web) say the better time to do this is in the fall.  But I figure there’s no real loss if it doesn’t work.

So, I guess if I got laundry done, and dishes done, and baked a cake, and did some yard work and brought beauty into the house, it wasn’t really a lost day.  Just not the day I’d planned.

And, isn’t that how life is?  After all, we make the best of plans and then life gets in the way.  And that’s okay.

The crock by the way, is at least 100 year old.  It came from my grandparents house and was given to me when my aunt passed away in 1983.  It was already old when I was growing up.  It holds cherished memories.

Today, it also holds a little spring.

Raise a glass during Virginia Wine Week

Virginia Wine Week: Love by the Glass is March 18-27, 2011.

The Virginia Tourism Corporation says, “Virginia Wine Week combines the best of culinary traditions at restaurants across the state with elegant local wines and special tasting menus.”

Spring arrives on Sunday.  Why not celebrate with a glass, or bottle or two of your favorite Virginia vintage?

Cross posted at Bearing Drift