Happy Independence Day

Today, the United States celebrates Independence Day. We do not celebrate the “4th of July.”

Every nation has a “4th of July.” Many nations have an “Independence Day.” But none have a Day of Independence as signficant as that of the United States of America.

We are an exceptional nation. It is not boasting to say that, it is fact.

We also run the risk of losing that exceptionalism if we do not guard it carefully.

When forming this country, our forefathers risked their very lives when they agreed to these words:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

These words were words of revolution that led to a bloody battle that ultimately gained our independence from Great Britain.

And among these words, the phrase “endowed by their Creator.”

While I would stop short of saying that our forefathers intended to create a Christian nation I would say that the majorit of them recognized a sovereign God, and their writings reflect that.

America is a nation that has been blessed by God.

Throughout our history in times of good, and particularly in times of trouble, Americans have been called to prayer by their leaders. Whether it was FDR at the outset of WWII or George W. Bush in response to the 9/11 attacks, when we have needed God, we have turned to him. And He has been there.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.
~ Psalm 33:12

Is American the land of the people God chose for his inheritance? I don’t necessarily think so.

But there is no denying that we have been blessed, that God has been with us.

And, scream though they might, there is no denying that we are a nation founded on a deep belief in God and founded on Biblical principles, including the Ten Commandments that some would have us wipe from our memory.

Today we celebrate our freedom. Today we thank God for our freedom.

And we must guard that freedom closely as there are those within and without who would seek to take it away.

Don’t take that for granted. Get involved. Pay attention. Speak out. Defend your freedom.

May God bless America.

Friday Morning Roundup

Happy Canada Day

Read all you want, I’m off to the beach.


The Third World Oscar Mayer Wiener
Erick Ericson, RedState
But another problem is shaping up on the floor of the United States Senate. Marco Rubio, who is rapidly becoming one of the most impassioned champions for opposing the debt ceiling increase, said that Barack Obama’s class warfare soliloquy was not the rhetoric of the President of the United States, but of a third world leader.
Read more.

Officials scramble to keep computers for deaf and blind
Richmond Times-Dispatch
This summer, the school plans to dump more than half of its 200 personal computers and consolidate the rest into computer labs for students and teachers to share, just to pay its IT bills.
Read more.

Barner Revealed as BD’s DCH
Bearing Drift
In conjunction with a professional transition, E M Barner has come out as “DCH,” an occasional contributor to Bearing Drift (BD), the leading conservative voice in the Virginia blogsphere.
Read more.

Born On This Day

1860 – Charles Goodyear, American inventor (b. 1800)
1894 – Allan Pinkerton, American private detective (b. 1819)
1896 – Harriet Beecher Stowe, American abolitionist and writer (b. 1811)
2000 – Walter Matthau, American actor (b. 1920)
2004 – Marlon Brando, American actor (b. 1924)
2009 – Karl Malden, American actor (b. 1912)