Netflix: We Could’ve Told You

We said it was a mistake when it was announced.

Netflix Braces for Growth Slowdown, Stock Plunges
Netflix’s shares plummeted by more than 10 percent, largely because the company expects its results for the current quarter ending in September to miss the targets set by industry analysts.
Read more.

And, just in time for us all to continue rethinking our relationships with Netflix:

Latest Streaming Challenger to Netflix: Walmart
Walmart customers will now be able to not just buy physical discs from but stream movies and TV episodes as well.
Read more.

Misguided Religion and the Debt Ceiling

Religious groups: Debt ceiling is a moral issue
The Washington Post
Perhaps the most unusual debt ceiling meeting was one Obama had last week with a coalition of Christian religious leaders who urged him not to hammer the poor in trying to reduce the national debt.
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If these “religious leaders” knew their scripture, they’d know they could find no reference where Jesus said it was the responsibility of the government to care for the poor. Instead, the New Testament says true religion is taking care of widows and orphans. (James 1:27)

How much do these groups spend on lobbying Washington in support of programs for the poor?

How much money could be spent actually doing something rather than lobbying the government to do it for you?

Cross posted to Bearing Drift.