Why You Crave Junk Food

Why is it easier to reach for the Snickers instead of the apple?

Brain imaging scans showed that the area of your brain involved with reward is activated when your glucose levels drop, signaling your body to go out and find food. At the same time, the part of the brain that controls emotions and desires turns off. “Your body needs to feed itself, but the prefrontal cortex loses the ability to put on the brakes,” explains study author Rajita Sinha, Ph.D. “If this happens, you have little ability to control yourself when looking at high-calorie food, even if you know you should eat broccoli instead.”

Read more via Why You Shouldn’t Grocery Shop When You’re Hungry | Mens Health News.

Wednesday Round Up

It’s the middle of the week. You should know these things.

Hey, Wall Street protesters … get a job, already!
Bearing Drift

Lynn Mitchell at Bearing Drift tells the goobers of Occupy Wall Street what life is really all about.

As a matter of fact, how many of those hard-working Americans are even paying attention to this kindergarten charade? The ones stuck in already-horrific New York City traffic are ticked off at youthful shenanigans that block the streets and bridges, and the rest of America is going about the business of earning a living.

Is Nostalgia Enough To Save Friendly’s?

The company’s new management has been working on changes. Perhaps true to a company founded smack in the middle of the Great Depression, CEO Harsha Agadi launched a major retraining and renovation plan right in the throes of the 2010 economic collapse.

I’ve always liked Friendly’s. But the last time we were there, the service and experience was so horrific that we vowed never again.

Opposition to Obama grows — strongly
The Washington Post

Four in 10 Americans “strongly” disapprove of how President Obama is handling job as president in the new Washington Post-ABC News poll, the highest that number has risen during his time in office and a sign of the hardening opposition to him as he seeks a second term.

You Dish Out Race-Based Slander, Maybe You Have to Take it, Too
Michelle Malkin, via Red County

You don’t have to be a Perry supporter (and I am most certainly not) to spot the Post’s boulder-sized double standards. These rubble-rakers vetted the origins and whereabouts of a painted-over inanimate object with far more investigative zeal than they did with any of the actual living, fire-breathing race-baiters Barack Obama consorted with before and during his first presidential run.

Allen to unveil “Freedom to Work Act”
Richmond Times-Dispatch

Republican U.S. Senate candidate George Allen will today roll out his “Freedom to Work Act,” a three-pronged blueprint to free U.S. businesses of what he sees as onerous burdens imposed by the federal government.

The President of Excuses

•President Obama defended his economic policies in a recent interview by claiming that America has “gotten a little soft,” seemingly blaming America for the ongoing struggles of the economy and exempting his administration’s job-destroying policies from blame for making a bad economy worse.

Born on this Day
1703 – Jonathan Edwards, American minister (d. 1758)
1829 – Chester A. Arthur, 21st President of the United States (d. 1886)
1902 – Ray Kroc, American fast food entrepreneur (d. 1984)
1907 – Mrs. Miller, American singer (d. 1997)
1936 – Václav Havel, President of the Czech Republic
1938 – Teresa Heinz Kerry, American philanthropist
1950 – Jeff Conaway, American actor (d. 2011)
1951 – Karen Allen, American actress
1957 – Bernie Mac, American actor and comedian (d. 2008)
1975 – Kate Winslet, English actress