No Virginia, Pizza is Not a Vegetable

A lot of fun has been had over Congress “declaring pizza a vegetable” including this from Kermit the Frog’s appearance on Saturday Night Live:

But the thing is No, Congress did not declare pizza a vegetable
[The Washington Post]

Let’s revisit the facts: Despite what one might expect from the headlines, if you scour the agriculture appropriations bill, referenced in numerous stories, you won’t find a single mention of the word “pizza,” or even “vegetable,” for that matter.

Bottom line is, they just didn’t change the classification for tomato paste. That’s all.

Family-friendly movies for the holidays



From The Washington Post

The weeks between Thanksgiving and the new year provide lots of opportunities to go to the movies, and this year is no different. Here’s a look at some films made for kids that might be worth an outing for the entire family.

via Family-friendly movies for the holidays – The Washington Post.