The Cost of the #Occupy Movement

From Big Government:

During the first two months of the nationwide Occupy protests, the movement that is demanding more out of the wealthiest Americans cost local taxpayers at least $13 million in police overtime and other municipal services, according to a survey by The Associated Press.

via » #Occupy Protest Costs Cities at least $13 Million – Big Government.

Meanwhile, here in Richmond:

Kicking Out Occupy Richmond Cost City Over $17,000
Style Weekly

The total cost includes $10,843 for police overtime pay, $2,659 for park cleanup by the Department of Public Works and $416 for portable toilet rentals, according to records obtained by Style Weekly through a Freedom of Information Act request to the Richmond Police Department.

Yeah, but don’t expect the self-proclaimed 99% to pay for this.

No, Jesus wouldn’t Occupy Wall Street


While the religious left would have you believe that Jesus would be among the protesters, they just don’t know much about Him.

The contention from some religious authorities and media outlets is that Jesus would be right there among the unwashed masses clamoring for free college tuition and a unicorn in every backyard.

That is simply not true.

via Who Would Jesus Protest? : The Sundries Shack.