The Year of the Dragon

I thought it appropriate to mention the celebration of the Chinese New Year since they own all our stuff.

But seriously, chinese New Year begins at midnight on January 23, 2012. It is consider the most important of the Chinese holidays and is celebrated by billions around the world. The celebration last for 15 days and culminates wiht the Lantern Festival.

Each year is associated with one of the twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac. 2012 is the Year of the Dragon.

I’d Be Happy to Do this Job From Right Here

From Worldwide Freelance:

Indeed it is possible for freelance writers to work from anywhere.

via Freelance Writing – A Career From Anywhere – Worldwide Freelance Writer.

It’s a goal.  It’s a dream.  And it’s slowly happening.  Articles like this inspire me to believe that I can indeed make this a full time career.

Unfortunately, the balance in my PayPal account make me realize I can’t do it yet.  But I made it a goal in 2011 to write more, and I have.  And I’ve managed to turn that into a part-time, actually getting paid, business.  It’s happening.  It’s growing.  I’ll get there.

Still, there are things I need to work on.

1) I need to revamp this site with a new bio which unfortunately includes a new picture.

2) I need to rework my writing portfolio.  That way when I’m going for a new assignment I don’t have to search through hard drives and thumb drives and web sites to find the requisite samples.

3) I need to market my skills and my work.  That probably involves less time playing Words with Friends and checking out Pinterest.

4) I need to fine tune the type(s) of writing I want to do.  Right now I’m all over the map.  Sure I’d love to write that great American novel, and some day I will, but currently I need to continue to find the markets that pay.  Speaking of which, I need to raise my rates.

I have this dream of writing from the beach house.  Currently I lack the beach house.  So, write now this little desk in Richmond works just fine.