“I have been and always shall be your friend.” Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
For all the ills foisted upon us by social media I still love it because it connects me with so many people from so many phases of my life.
Relationships that began decades ago in grade school have been rekindled. New relationships have been formed. I’ve written before about my geeky group of Tolkien friends who formed our own little online fellowship in the early days following 9/11.
At the end of last week, a harmonic convergence brought together a chance to see one of my favorite writers and to hang out with some dear friends from high school. Without the internet, this likely would not have happened.
I have been a follower of Sean Dietrich (Sean of the South)for several years, and have often shared m appreciation for his writing with one of my high school friends. Decades (literally) ago, we were in creative writing class together.
Sean writes from the heart about life, dogs, people, music, and the south. I love his daily columns and have several of his books.
During the horror of the COVID pandemic…and oh boy, that’s a different story and I have a lot to say about that…Sean wrote a column about how children would not be able to sit on Santa’s lap that year. That was true.
But I fired off an email to Sean that said “wait, there’s a group of Santas online that are working diligently to provide virtual Santa visits.” To my surprise, Sean responded, interviewed me vial email and wrote a column entitled Santa in November. That column showed up later in his book, The Absolute Worst Christmas of All Time.
Fast forward to late last year when River Road Church announced that Sean would be coming to Richmond.
I contacted my friend, and another who lives here in Richmond and a plan was hatched.
Fast forward to last Thursday when we met for dinner, and saw Sean in concert. Afterward we stood in line with hundreds of people (literally) while Sean greeted and hugged each and every one of us.
In full writer geek mode with Sean Dietrich.
Friday my Richmond friend and I showed our high school friends a bit of our fair city and some of our amazing history.
Well, what’s left of it…but that’s another different story.
We wrapped up our time with dinner on Friday night where we just had hours of conversation and laughs.
The Write Side Shop
We talked about old friends, and new friends, and the challenges of raising adult children.
I could go on, but suffice it to say it was an incredible couple of days and I’m still feeling the warm fuzzies.
Our time together brought home a point about something I’ve been thinking of and considering for weeks now.
We need to stay connected. We need those relationships.
Over the last few weeks and months I’ve been trying to reach out more. We have the internet, we have our phones. There’s no reason we can’t do more than try to catch up every five to ten years at a class reunion.
The point was brought closer home last week as we discussed friends who have passed in recent weeks and months. In fact our out-of-town friends had just attended the funeral for the spouse of someone we did all twelve years of school with.
Let me take this moment to repeat my mantra: Cancer sux.
The older I get, the more I’m realizing that life, and friendships, and family are our most precious treasures.
I have often written about how I am surrounded with way too much stuff. Also known as crap.
I’ve written about how much I have, or at least think I have, to do.
I don’t want those things to get in the way of keeping in touch with the people I love. I want to make a more concerted effort to keep those relationships warm and active and alive.
I’ve rambled enough. I tried to wrap this post up with a quote about friends being more important than wealth, but I couldn’t find anyone who said exactly what I wanted to say. I guess I’ll have to say it.
I am blessed with material things. I am blessed with many friends.
I know which blessing makes me a wealthy man.
On this day in 1940, the first prisoners arrive at a new concentration camp at Auschwitz.
Never again.
Am Yisrael Chai.
American actress and singer, Constance Towers was born on this day in 1933. In 1977, I saw Constance Towers co-star in The King and I with Yul Brynner. True story, I had nosebleed seats, but I only paid $9.
What he really said…
Before I went off and commented or formed an opinion regarding the graduation speech given by Harrison Butker, I thought I’d read what he actually said. You should to because it’s not what you’re hearing on social media.
‘Harrison Butker Does Not Reflect Our Values,’ Says League Of Woman Beaters The Babylon Bee NEW YORK, NY — In response to an angry outcry from feminists regarding statements he made in a commencement speech, the NFL issued a statement that Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker does not represent the values of the rest of the league of woman beaters.
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