God Bless America, Please

The Spirit of 76; by Archibald Willard; 1912

It’s Friday before a three-day weekend.

On Monday we celebrate our Independence Day.

I don’t care what you say, who you are, what you think this will always be the best ding dang doggie country

(click the pic)

in the history of the world.

I love America.

Warts and all.

And if you don’t like me saying that, you can go post about it on your own blog.

It’s also a Friday and my book has sold well to friends and family. If you haven’t purchased it’s there for you on Amazon.

If you have purchased, please go back and leave a review. It helps. Bigly.

Before we get to the fireworks, I’ll do a little bit of celebrating of my own.

I turn 64 on Sunday and I’m one step, one feeble step, closer to retirement.

That’s all I’ve got for today.

I’ll be back on Tuesday.


1906 – Estée Lauder, American businesswoman, co-founded the Estée Lauder Companies (d. 2004)
1916 – Olivia de Havilland, British-American actress (d. 2020)
1918 – Ralph Young, American singer and actor (d. 2008)
1931 – Leslie Caron, French actress and dancer
1934 – Jamie Farr, American actor
1934 – Sydney Pollack, American actor, director and producer (d. 2008)
1935 – David Prowse, English actor (d. 2020)
1941 – Twyla Tharp, American dancer and choreographer
1952 – Dan Aykroyd, Canadian actor, producer and screenwriter
1961 – Diana, Princess of Wales (d. 1997)
1967 – Pamela Anderson, Canadian-American model and actress


Whoops: CNN Political Commentator Coordinated With J6 Committee on Cassidy Hutchinson Testimony
CNN political commentator Alyssa Farah Griffin, who used to work for the Trump White House and now is working for CNN, said on the air that she knew Hutchinson and put her in touch with Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY). Read More.

The Education of Glenn Youngkin
In a blue-trending state that went for President Biden by 10 points in 2020, and where Republicans had not won statewide since 2009, Youngkin not only prevailed but carried the whole GOP ticket with him, resuscitating his party in a place it had been left for dead.  Read More.

The Silent Majority Returns in Grand Style
Shaun Kenney at The Republican Standard
Forget The Handmaid’s Tale — if you want true Orwellian nonsense, consider for a moment that we live in a society that can pressure an entire population into calling men women, and women men. Or calling babies a lifeless clump of cells. Or sexualizing children with Drag Queen Story Hour and calling that healthy. Or redefining marriage. Or calling a color-blind society racism. One that can destroy history, rename schools, disarm citizens, or force medical treatment against your will.  Read More.

Sinema and Manchin Won’t Nuke Filibuster to Pass Abortion Law
National Review
On Thursday, Democratic senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona reiterated their commitment to keeping the Senate’s 60-vote hurdle for legislation after President Biden called for a carve-out from the rule in order to pass a federal abortion law.  Read More.

10 Disturbing Photographs From Post-Roe America
The Babylon Bee
Roe v. Wade has been overturned and we are now all living in the literal Handmaid’s Tale. Already, thousands of harrowing photographs have emerged from the abortion-free hellscape. It’s worse than we thought. We were warned, and we didn’t listen. Read More.


Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.

Ephesians 6:23-24

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