Angel’s Rest, Pearisburg, Virginia
“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”
Quaker Missionary Etienne de Grellet
Today is Short Story Friday. There’s a problem with that.
You see the problem with promising to post a new short story each Friday, particularly a story with a certain theme, is that you have to write it.
I have a goal. I have a dream of a collection of short stories. Details aren’t important. You’ll have them when I’m ready to share.
I also have a self-imposed deadline.
I think perhaps I haven’t read my posts of late about priorities.
So, today’s short story. Well, it’s a start. It’s not where I want it to be. It’s more a concept than a finished work.
Be kind. If you ever see this in print, it’s likely to look a lot different
Here for today is:
Near the Angel’s Rest
At the foot of the mountain there is a small town.
In the town there is a high school.
On a hot summer evening in June, one hundred and fifty high school seniors, dressed in blue and white…white for the women, blue for the men…are ready to cross the auditorium stage and hear their name called.
At least eight of us will hear the name Michael as we cross.
With a few final words of instruction, and a warning or two, we line up in the cafeteria.
It is time.
We hear the pianist play the first notes of the Grande March from Verdi’s Aida. It is likely that very few of us have ever even heard of Verdi.
There were no empty seats as we processed into the high school auditorium. Faculty and family hoping to find a spare seat stood across the back of the room.
This was the most important night.
Never mind that thousands had crossed this stage before us.
Never mind that, on that same night or one very soon, thousands would be crossing other stages.
Across the country.
Around the world.
This was our time.
Many of us had been together for twelve years.
Almost all of us had been together when our middle schools merged us together into one eighth grade class five years prior.
We had grown up through the turbulent 60s and were shaped by the war in Vietnam and the resignation of a president.
Now, as our nation was preparing to celebrate 200 years of freedom, we were seeking our own freedom from the public school system.
In a matter of hours, we would scatter.
Some would go far. Some would never leave home.
Some would die too soon.
Accidents. Cancer. Violence. Drugs.
While we knew that we would never gather again as this class, no one spoke those words.
This was our night.
When the benediction was pronounced, and oh yes, there would be a benediction, we were in Southwest Virginia after all, we would scatter to parties across the county.
Most of us would make it home by the time the sun was rising.
The awards had been presented.
The choir had sung.
The names had been called.
We stood to sing one last time as a class.
Far above the broad horizon, near the Angel’s Rest…
A lifetime ago.
And yesterday.
At the foot of the mountain there is a small town.
In the town there is a high school.
Biden administration moving to double tariffs on Canadian lumber despite already skyrocketing timber prices
Washington Examiner
“At a time when soaring lumber prices have added nearly $36,000 to the price of a new home and priced millions of middle-class households out of the housing market, the Biden administration’s preliminary finding on Friday to double the tariffs on Canadian lumber shipments into the U.S. shows the White House does not care about the plight of American home buyers and renters who have been forced to pay much higher costs for housing,” National Association of Home Builders chairman Chuck Fowke said in a statement. Read More.
Congress Must Pursue Answers About the Origin of COVID-19
Senator Rand Paul in Newsweek
What are the odds of a coronavirus pandemic randomly occurring naturally within miles of a lab that creates a juiced-up coronavirus, and that stores more coronavirus samples than any place in the world? Read More.
‘The Hamas Caucus’: Republicans Launch Explosive Term For Ocasio-Cortez ‘Squad’
Daily Mail
“Hamas Caucus” has become a popular term used by Israel-supporting Republicans to describe anti-Israel progressive Democrats, who have chipped away at a consensus on Israel that’s been around since President Harry S. Truman recognized Israeli independence in 1948. Read More.
Joe Biden Met With Hunter Biden’s Foreign Business Associates While He Was Vice President: Reports
Daily Wire
Joe Biden reportedly met his son’s business associates from Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan at a dinner in Washington, D.C., on April 16, 2015. Read More.
Arizona Republicans introduce bill to strip powers from Democratic secretary of state
Arizona Republicans passed a measure on Tuesday to strip Democrat Katie Hobbs, the current secretary of state, of her ability to defend election lawsuits, a seemingly partisan retaliation for her sharp criticism of the party’s controversial election audit. Read More.
John Warner’s Verse of Manner and Deed
Chris Saxman
John Warner has shown us, once again, that we really are better than we let on. The praise of Warner’s tenure as our United States Senator has been universal and consistent – John Warner was a great politician. Read More.
New Amazon Bond Film Will Feature 007 Assassinating Small Business Owners
The Babylon Bee
“We are looking forward to bringing the story of British superspy James Bond into new and exciting directions!” said Bezos. “I can’t give away too much, but I can say that the next Bond film will be a story about how a powerful organization taking over the world is actually a good thing!” Read More.
Foot Health for Better Ankles, Knees, Hips, and Back (Plus 7 Foot-Strengthening Exercises You Can Do Anywhere)
Mark’s Daily Apple
An agile, pain-free body starts from the ground up. Read More.
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26