The Wall Street Journal: Obama’s Forrest Gump analysis of rising gas prices.

Fed officials and Mr. Obama want to take credit for easy money if stock-market and housing prices rise, but then deny any responsibility if commodity prices rise too, causing food and energy prices to soar for consumers. They can’t have it both ways, as not-so-stupid Americans intuitively understand when they buy groceries or gas. This is the double-edged sword of an economic recovery “built to last” on easy money rather than on sound fiscal and regulatory policies.

via Review & Outlook: ‘Stupid’ and Oil Prices –

This is not the dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Jupiter, Venus and the moon will line up in an impressive triple play this weekend, and skywatchers wont even have to venture outside to see it.

via Jupiter, Venus & Moon Line Up This Weekend: How to Watch Online | Jupiter, Venus & Moon Observing Tips | Skywatching & Amateur Astronomy |