Thank You for Being A Friend

I’ve been quite lucky in that I’ve managed to tick off a few of my dream roles, really. Beyond that, you wait for the next script to come in that will have the dream role that you don’t know exists yet, I suppose.

Scottish Actor, David Tennant, was born on this day in 1971.

Maybe it was the call with a high school friend on Monday.

Maybe it was remembering the shooting at Virginia Tech on Tuesday.

Maybe it was the Facebook reminder of college memories with a friend on her birthday.

I’ve just been thinking a lot lately about how I get by with a little help from my friends.

That would make a catchy tune.

But what I’ve thought of more is that I need to be more deliberate in keeping up with those friends.

There are so many, many people who have been a significant part of my life over the years. Sure we all grow apart.

But with the technology of cell phones and social media, there’s really no excuse for not doing a better job of keeping in touch.

I’ve talked a lot over the last couple of weeks about changes.

One of the changes I’m trying to make is to be more deliberate about keeping up with friends.

And, I’ll still let you buy me a cup of coffee.




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Born on this DayCoffeeDavid TennantFriends