Spring Finally Awakens

In full disclosure, I’m writing this on Saturday morning while catching up on episodes of NBC’s Rise.

I know, I know. I’ve even talked about it myself. If you want to really write, put away all of the distractions.

But, I should say that, while I’ve been watching this, I’ve also been doing graphics work (check out the updated sidebars), texting my production manager who’s on a cruise and currently carriage riding around Charleston, texting the PR rep about a photo shoot and coming up with a kickass idea for our poster design…yes, you’ll see it when it’s done.

So, sure, there’s been no work on the great American novel. But I got a short post done over at Historic Occasions, and I’m here now.

Although, looking at the clock it’s 12:25 and I have a self-imposed deadline to get myself out to the yard.

Don’t snark. I’ve been waiting for the sun to dry the grass. I’ll be out there in a few.

And besides, what’s a better background to trying to sort out having too much to do than a show about drama and teenage angst?

I’m not sure I like Rise, but I’ll continue watching at least the rest of this season. It’s sort of like a depressing version of Glee with a lot less spontaneous singing and dancing, with nowhere near the same budget for costumes. And much of the story line is predictable.

I mean, come on, couldn’t we all figure out from the first episode what was going on with Simon?

Still, I applaud NBC for giving this a shot. Even if I do worry about those patients that guy left on Mercy Street.

I think I need to see a full production of Spring Awakening.

But I don’t have much time for seeing full productions of anything for the next few weeks.

We are in full rehearsals for Doublewide, Texas. We moved to the theatre space this week and set construction began over the weekend.

I am enjoying this directing process immensely. That helps when you have a hysterically funny script and an amazing cast.

Doublewide, Texas plays June 1-16 at CAT Theatre. See it if you can.

In other theater news, Williamsburg Players announced their 2018-2019 season this week. I will be directing the classic comedy You Can’t Take It With You, written by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart. Another hysterically funny show and I’m looking forward to the process.

There’s more developing, and you know that I’ll tell you about that when I can.

What does all of this mean for the writing, you ask. I’ve been asking the same question.

Last week was a challenge. The regular schedule is to get up at the crack of the dawn of civilization, get to the gym, get to the office, then get to the theatre early to possibly work on the show or get in a little writing time. That sort of works.

That was derailed a bit last week because I had a road trip to Roanoke on Tuesday which interrupted the sleep patterns. That happens next week when I have to spend two days in a state park.

I know, feel sorry for me.

But, it’s an interruption to the regular schedule.

That’s how life works, isn’t it?

We have all of our grand plans, and schedules, and things that we must do.

And, there’s not need to remind me that I’ve said plenty of times that the only reasons we’re so busy is that we allow or choose to put things on our schedules.

Tomorrow is May 1. That means pools will open at the end of the month and you have approximately four weeks to get that beach body in shape.

Right now I have to go feed the cat before he starves. After all, he hasn’t eaten in the last thirteen minutes.

Don’t even get me started about his beach body…unless you’re talking beached.

It’s Monday. The week ahead is full.

Let’s get on with it.

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CAT TheatreDoublewide TexasLifeMondayNBCRiseSchedulespringTimeWilliamsburg PlayersWriting and BusinessYou Can't Take It With You