Iwant my ex

signs he doesnt want you back after cheating and
getting an ex boyfriend to want you back or
my exhusband is jealoud can he want me nack.
how to talk to my ex about getting back together
throwing a drink on a ex boyfriend will he still come back, win back ex gf, etc.

I wasted some time following this hashtag last night.

#LessAmbitiousMovies, the craziest Twitter hashtag meme I’ve ever seen, pacing at around 200 tweets per minute. The basic premise is to tweet out the titles of popular films but watered down and less ambitious, get it?

H/T TechCrunch

It’s still trending this morning, and it seems to have outpaced the also rans of #cannibalmovies and #neocon movies.

Have you played along with these trending topics? Have you created one of your own that made it to the top?

Talk or Text? Not so sure I care for either one.

Today’s Daily Post Topic:  Do you prefer to talk or text?

To which I answer: it all depends.  Actually, my preferred method of communication remains email.  I can include details and review what I’ve written before hitting send.  That way, my bases are covered.

Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t. 

As for talking, I never spend much time on the phone.  Just long enough to tell my wife I’m on the way home and potentially get a grocery list (which I’ll ask her to email).  Or the once or twice a week call to check in on my Mom.  Communication with the college freshman is almost exclusively by text.

The main thing is keeping in touch.  I like the instant access, the instant communication.

Unless, of course, you’re calling to ask me for my money or my vote. Or your that pesky guy from Chesterfield County who calls my home at 5:00 a.m. to tell me there’s snow on the ground.  I can look out the window at 7:00 a.m. all by myself, thankyouverymuch.