Project the Next

Over ten years ago when I first started toying with the idea of freelancing on the internet, I participated in a great web experiment called “Dream Jobs to Go.”  There several of us wrote online books about how to land your dream job.  Because I spent eight years in Washington, D.C. as an event planner where I earned my (now lapsed) Certified Meeting Professional designation, I wrote a book entitled “How to Break Into the Event Planning Business.”  Our books didn’t make any of us rich.  I think I sold around a hundred copies or so.

Unfortunately, the publishing company also didn’t get rich, and eventually the site, and our means of selling our wares, shut down.

But, there’s good news.

In a moment of inspiration this week, I contacted the editor from that site and asked what it would take to obtain the copyrights to my book.  he said “here” and sent me the file.

The bad news is that the book is a bit dated.  So I can’t just drop it into a print on demand site and say “plan away.”  But it’s with a bit of updating and checking of links, it will be ready to go again.  I hope to have it back on the market sometime in early February.

Stay tuned.

Who needs HGTV’s Dream House when this is out there?




Ignore the commentary. But check out this amazing house.

The House That Will Steal Your Dreams

