Jim Webb says “I Can’t Beat George Allen Again”

Okay, so he didn’t really say that.  But somewhere in the process that lead him to today’s announcement that he would not seek a second term, the thought had to have crossed his mind.  I’m just not so sure that Webb would have run for another term regardless of who the GOP picks.  Here are some of the reactions to Webb’s announcement:

Bearing Drift:  Webb Out!

The right-wing liberal:  Dear Democrats: PLEASE nominate Tim Kaine
Nothing would better represent what the Democrats consider frugal leadership than nominating the governor who left office with a $7 billion budget shortfall – large enough to knock Jim Gilmore off the record books.

Crystal Clear Conservative: Webb’s Out of the U.S. Senate Race in 2012

Virginia Virtucon:  What They’re Saying About The Virginia Senate Race

Bearing Drift:  Dear Democrats: PLEASE nominate Tom Perriello
With a voting record lockstep with Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and adored by the President, Tom Perriello’s nomination would be a godsend to Republicans across the state. Every election since 2008, when Virginia went blue for the first time since Johnson, Republicans have proven to be resurgent across the state. That tide will continue through 2012.

Bearing Drift:  Dear Democrats: PLEASE Nominate Krystal Ball

The jokes just write themselves.

Virginia Virtucon:  Now What for 2012?

Bearing Drift:  POLL: Which Democrat would be the toughest to beat for US Senate?

Virginia Virtucon:  Jamie Radtke’s Statement on Webb’s “One and Done” Decision

Echoing what appears to be the theme of her campaign, and perhaps her only issue, Radtke focused not so much on Webb’s record, but that of former Governor and Senator, and also candidate, George Allen.  The man she has to beat to win the GOP nomination.  Assuming she can.  But someone needs to tell Ms. Radtke that an “I’m Not George Allen” campaign is not going to be successful.  Then again, let’s just keep that between us.

Back over at Bearing Drift:  Corey Stewart lets everyone know he’s interested in running for U.S. Senate
Stewart apparently plans to make this campaign theme for reelection as Prince William County Board of Supervisors Chair to be “Vote for me, I won’t stay long.”


George Allen issued the following statement:

“I respect Senator Webb’s service to our country and the very personal decision that he and his family have made.  I did not enter into this race to run against any one person, but to fight for the families of Virginia to improve their opportunities in life.  My campaign will continue to focus on achievable reforms that will help reinvigorate our economy, end reckless, runaway spending, and unleash our plentiful energy resources.”

Count me in, Governor.

28 Days of Ronald Reagan – Day 9

“In my eighty years, I prefer to call that the forty-first anniversary of my thirty ninth birthday, I’ve seen what men can do for each other and do to each other, I’ve seen war and peace, feast and famine, depression and prosperity, sickness and health. I’ve seen the depth of suffering and the peaks of triumph and I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph and that there is purpose and worth to each and every life.”

November 4, 1991: Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush and Charlton Heston were present when Reagan spoke these words at the dedication of his Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.

Ronald Wilson Reagan
February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004
40th President of the United States

February 6, 2011 marks the Centennial of Ronald Reagan’s birth.  Reagan was unquestionably the greatest President of my lifetime, and in my opinion, the greatest President of the 20th Century.  For the month of February, 2011, we present “28 Days of Ronald Reagan” featuring a daily tribute.  We’ll include his wit, and his wisdom and some of our favorite stories.