28 Days of Ronald Reagan – Day 26

“We don’t have an option of living with inflation and its attendant tragedy.…We have an alternative, and that is the program for economic recovery. True, it’ll take time for the favorable effects of our program to be felt. So, we must begin now. The people are watching and waiting. They don’t demand miracles. They do expect us to act. Let us act together.”

February 18, 1981 — from his speech to Congress detailing his program for economic recovery

Ronald Wilson Reagan
February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004
40th President of the United States

February 6, 2011 marks the Centennial of Ronald Reagan’s birth.  Reagan was unquestionably the greatest President of my lifetime, and in my opinion, the greatest President of the 20th Century.  For the month of February, 2011, we present “28 Days of Ronald Reagan” featuring a daily tribute.  We’ll include his wit, and his wisdom and some of our favorite stories.

This Day in Virginia History – February 25, 1995

Virginia Passes Historic Welfare Reform – February 25th, 1995

Welfare Reform was one of the signature issues of George Allen’s 1993 campaign.  And in the second year of his Administration, after accomplishing his first initiative of Parole Reform, Virginia passed historic welfare reform:

Governor Allen applauded the passage of his initiative saying “Today we have sent a message that welfare in Virginia will no longer be a way of life, but a temporary means of assistance that will serve as a hand up to opportunity rather than a hand out to dependency.”

I had the distinct honor and privilege to be a part of that team.  I worked as a Special Assistant to Secretary of Health and Human Resources Kay Coles James. It was an inspiring time.

And, because of that experience I know that George Allen has always been “Promises made, promises kept,” and I can’t wait to support him in his bid for Senate.

On a side note, if you back out from the picture, I’m standing about where the shift key is on your computer keyboard.