Barone on how Cain keeps breaking the “rules”

…and he’s still winning.

Michael Barone writes about Herman Cain and wonders how long he can continue to not follow the rules of the game.

But Cains stance as a non-politician who refuses to obey the rules of the great game of politics is at least momentarily a political asset in a year when opinion about conventional politicians of both parties is near an all-time low.

Read more via Can Cain Keep Flouting the Cardinal Rules of Politics? – Michael Barone – Townhall Conservative.

Why I’m giving another try

Back in June, I posted that I’d given a try and had given up after two days.

I said that I had trouble controlling the content and that I didn’t like the fact that the avertising was going to someone else.

Still, I liked the concept and have yet to find a better alternative. I’ve been doing daily “Round Up” posts, but those are time consuming and not getting read.

So I’m giving another chance. I’ll try to control the output to cover more relevant topics. And if that works, it will be a good thing.