Obama loses faith in his council…

Or at least they’ve been very, very quiet.

But three years into his presidency, Obama’s marquee council of faith advisers has gone dark — a little-noticed postscript for a panel that he rolled out with fanfare and high expectations during his first weeks in office but ended up playing only a limited role in West Wing deliberations. Politico

Billy Hallowell at The Blaze writes: Had the council of faith leaders been available to advise the president throughout this recent storm, perhaps the administration could have anticipated some of the backlash it received. Apparently, following the Jan. 20 announcement of the mandate, some of the original members of the council came forward and pressed the White House to reconsider its stance.

Moe Lane at RedState writes: Read the Politico article, if only for the visible head-scratching by Democratic-aligned religious leaders at the way that their ever-so-charismatic Golden Calf from 2008 seems to not have a handle on treating their faiths with more respect. Shockingly, some of them still believe that this was all some sort of mistake… which is an act of faith that would almost be admirable, if only it wasn’t so hysterically sacrilegious.


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H/T Fox Nation