The Foundry: Release of Classified Bin Laden Raid Info Raises Questions

Deep in the cover of night in the town of Abbottabad, Pakistan, a team of Navy SEALs descended from helicopters, breached the compound of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden and brought him to justice. The story is the stuff that blockbuster movies are made of, but many of the details are largely a closely guarded secret. That was until the Obama White House granted extraordinary access and information to Hollywood filmmakers for their film about the raid, originally slated to be released just before the November presidential elections. As disturbing as that may be, it is not the first time this White House has disclosed confidential information under questionable circumstances…

…The White House knew when the film about the bin Laden raid was slated to be released, and the White House alone decided to release the information. Those facts should raise a red flag for Congress that the White House has come awfully close to the line. It’s up to them to find out how this Administration is handling or mishandling ultra-sensitive national security secrets.

Read the whole disturbing article via Release of Classified Bin Laden Raid Info Raises Questions.

Senator Tom Coburn edorses George Allen

Senator Tom Coburn Endorses George Allen for U.S. Senate

MAY 24, 2012

Henrico, VA – Today George Allen received the endorsement of Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK), a leading conservative in the U.S. Senate who has earned national acclaim for his fight against government waste, fraud and abuse. As a champion for accountability and transparency in government, Senator Tom Coburn has fought wasteful spending from both parties, highlighting pork barrel projects and uncovering duplicative and inefficient government programs.

Senator Coburn has authored monthly and annual reports on Washington waste. His numerous legislative efforts to cut wasteful spending include authoring amendments to eliminate funding for the “Bridge to Nowhere” and for the “Woodstock Museum.”

“I’m proud to announce my support for George Allen,” said Senator Coburn. “He was one of only 14 Senators who stood with me when I led the effort to eliminate funding for the infamous ‘Bridge to Nowhere.’ It didn’t make us popular with many of our colleagues but we did what was right. George is ready to fight Washington’s reckless spending. Future generations need leaders like George Allen stepping up today, so they won’t be forced to shoulder the burdens of Washington’s continued failures tomorrow.”

Senator Coburn is a cosponsor of legislation calling for a Balanced Budget Amendment, an enforcement mechanism for fiscal discipline that George Allen also sponsored in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. In his Blueprint for America’s Comeback, George Allen continues to call for a Balanced Budget Amendment with presidential line-item veto authority and a paycheck penalty if Congress fails to pass a budget.

“Tom Coburn is a stalwart leader for accountability in Washington, and I’m honored to have his support,” said George Allen. “Like Tom, I believe the American Dream is threatened by the reckless, over-spending and burdensome regulations coming from Washington. It has been over three years since the Senate has met their most basic and fundamental responsibility of passing a budget. It is time we bring fiscal accountability to Washington. I’m proud to be running for U.S. Senate on positive, proven solutions to rein in Washington, reinvigorate our economy and secure the American Dream for future generations. I look forward to working alongside of Dr. Coburn to keep Washington out of our lives and businesses.”