Okay GOP, let’s get tweeting…

It’s not the size of your followers list, it’s how you use it.  Or something like that.

One of the battles in the war for the White House is being fought on Twitter. It’s common knowledge that Obama’s beating Romney hand-over-fist in followers: the president has more than 15 million followers, compared to Romney’s half-million. However, the number of social followers alone doesn’t mean much — instead, the key to waging a successful political campaign on Twitter is engagement.

via Obama and Romney Go Head-to-Head on Twitter [INFOGRAPHIC].

On this day in history, in a galaxy, far far away…

May 25, 1977 Star Wars, later renamed Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope opened in theaters.

Star Wars changed the way we went to the movies.

It changed the way we played.

It changed the way we dreamed.

May the Force be with you.