By Mike on

Every Other Day is Fine

By Mike on

Mini Review – Reagan

By Mike on

One Week

The One Where the Human Events Author Steps Over a Line

I love a good snark.  I’ve been known to toss out a few of my own from time to time.  I believe that an effective means of political debate can often be pointing out the absdurdity of your opponent’s position. That’s why I was intrigued by James Delingpole’s “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy.”  …

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I’m loving this App

At a friend’s suggestion, yesterday I downloaded CardioTrainer (the free version) for my Motorola Droid.  It clocks my work out and calories burned.  When I take my lunch time walk, it uses the GPS on my Droid to map my route.  When I’m done, I can save my workout information, and even upload it to …

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