A Real Live Nephew of My Uncle Sam

On this day in 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg ended with Pickett’s Charge. The mistake by the Confederates effectively ended Lee’s invasion of the north, forcing him to retreat to Virginia and head toward the eventual retreat.

The Civil War is dead and I don’t feel so good myself.

Don’t panic. That’s an obscure Lewis Grizzard reference. Please accept it as that and don’t make me explain.

Bear with me in my dotage.

I have reached the “I need me one of them big pill box organizers” stage of life.

If you know, you know.

I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy,
A Yankee Doodle do or die;
A real live nephew of my Uncle Sam’s.
Born on the Fourth of July.

Turns out that George M. Cohan and I were both actually born on the 3rd of July.

I wonder if he grew up always having a red, white, and blue birthday cake?


Senior Admin Official Tells Politico Biden is ‘Not a Pleasant Person’ and Staffers are ‘Scared Shitless of Him’
The official said, “He doesn’t take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it.”

‘How Did the Media Miss the Biggest Story in American Politics?’ Some of Us Didn’t!
Jim Geraghty in National Review
I think the clearest answer is that a lot of people in the major mainstream media are really lousy at their jobs, because they wake up every morning asking, “How can I convince people that Democrats are good and Republicans are bad?” instead of asking, “What’s going on in the world, and what do my readers, viewers, or listeners need to know about it?”

Manhattan Prosecutors Agree to Delay Trump’s Sentencing
The New York Times
A delay would represent a surprising setback for the case, which led to the first conviction of an American president. The sentencing was likely to be the only moment of criminal accountability for the twice-impeached and four-time indicted former president whose other cases are mired in delay.

Checkmate: Dem Leaders Write ‘I Hereby Resign From The Presidency, No Takebacks’ On Biden’s Teleprompter
The Babylon Bee
Sources say that leaders in the Democrat party brilliantly outflanked Dr. Jill Biden’s aspirations for another four years of power by simply tricking Biden into saying the magic words during a speech on the recent heat wave.


Betty Buckley in “Hello Dolly”

1878 – George M. Cohan, American songwriter, actor, singer, and dancer (d. 1942)
1883 – Franz Kafka, Czech-Austrian author (d. 1924)
1937 – Tom Stoppard, Czech-English playwright and screenwriter
1941 – Gloria Allred, American lawyer and activist
1947 – Dave Barry, American journalist and author
1947 – Betty Buckley, American actress and singer
1956 – Montel Williams, American talk show host and television personality
1962 – Tom Cruise, American actor and producer


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