S’long February

On this day in 1983 the final episode of M*A*S*H aired with almost 106 million viewers. It retains the record for viewership of a season finale.

It’s the last day of the second month, but you probably knew that. Don’t worry, it is not my intention to come back once a month to give you a calendar update.

It is true that in my end of January post(s) I commented that I was not feeling the need, or pressure if you will, to post here on a regular basis. I’m not entirely sure that has changed.

Still, over the weekend I was motivated, inspired (convicted?) about the fact that I need a presence on the web.

I mean some of my favorite writers and creatives that I follow (Sean Dietrich, Austin Kleon, Steven Pressfield, James Clear) post regularly.

I’ll never be in their league(s). But will I be in any league if I’m not producing content on a regular basis?

That lead to the writing of a brilliant (no, I promise) post on Saturday which was then ceremoniously un-brilliantly deleted by accident on Sunday afternoon.

All that to say that I’m back. For now. Perhaps there will be brilliant writing. Perhaps not. Perhaps there will just be random collections of things I’m working on, or places I’m going, or things I think you should read.

What does this mean? I’m not going to speculate. I’m not going to make promises I can’t, or more likely, won’t keep.

I’ll just say that I’ll be here more than I have been and that sometimes I might have something worth reading.

Thanks for indulging me.

Here’s some other stuff.


The 100 Day Project. Day 1 of Gnomes for the Holidays

For the second year in a row, I am participating in The 100 Days Project. It’s a challenge to spend 100 days in a row creating something. Last year’s drawings eventually lead to the publication of three children’s books in 2022. This year I’m going with a different theme, “Gnomes for the Holidays.” It’s already challenging to think of different things or costumes or themes, but I’m going to keep up with it. You can follow me on Instagram to see the posts.

Follow my entries for The 100 Days Project on Instagram.

In the meantime, my three books would make great additions to your Easter Baskets. They’re all available on Amazon.



Beginning with a chapel service on February 8, the eyes of much of the nation, and yes, the world, were focused on the small Town of Wilmore, Kentucky, where resides Asbury University, my alma mater…Asbury College at the time.

Much has been said about the Asbury revival…renewal…outpouring, and you’ve likely read or seen most of it. Here are some of the best posts to describe what happened, and what continues to happen.

How an ‘itchy sweater’ sparked a new Christian revival at a Kentucky university

‘No Celebrities Except Jesus’: How Asbury Protected the Revival
Christianity Today



Richmond’s Skinny Budget: Low Stakes Poker, High Stakes Rhetoric
Shaun Kenney at The Republican Standard
Senate Democrats want a brick wall; House Republicans are getting a little tired of beating their heads against it.

Do we really need this?

Dr. Seuss’ ‘How the Grinch stole Christmas!’ gets a sequel
Associated Press

I mean, the story doesn’t sound like a bad one. I’m just not sure I want a Dr. Seuss sequel that’s not written by Dr. Seuss. Still, I’ll likely check it out.

Top 50 Love Songs of All Time

I went to this post to quibble with the selections because I figured it was written by one of those “Boomers are Idiots” goobers. But no, Billboard used the actual popularity of the songs to compile the list.



For in the day of trouble
he will keep me safe in his dwelling;
he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent
and set me high upon a rock.

Psalm 27: 5

Asbury RevivalAsbury UniversityFebruaryM*A*S*HThe 100 Day Project