Three Words for 2022

Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”

Revelation 21:5

Happy New Year!

It’s a brand new day. It’s a brand new year.

Most of us are anxious to put 2021 behind us. But, as I wrote yesterday, there’s nothing magical about turning the page on the calendar.

Still it feels fresh and new.

So, wipe your feet and come in real slow. We don’t want to startle 2022.

I don’t do Resolutions. I mean sure, I make a list of things I want to work on. Like last year I wanted to work on British history and literature. I did, but those are subjects one will never finish.

I continue to work on music, sign language, and Spanish. That work is also never done.

But I do choose three words to help the focus for the year.

Like I wrote last January 1:

Marketing gurus Chris Brogan and Rob Hatch have been, since about 2006, determining their three words for the year. They pick three words that will be the focus or inspiration for all that they do within the year. It’s an interesting concept.

My three words for 2021 were Ponder, Learn, Believe.

Over the course of the year I would occasionally check in here with how I was doing with those words. I’ve already reviewed the year. You can read yesterday’s post.

But now it’s time to move on to my words for 2022.

Those words are…Recover…Read…Rise…


I will admit that after Last Summer’s Unpleasantness (™) I had hoped that it would all be behind me now. So to speak. But the effects of the hormone treatment and radiation linger. Not to mention a year where I was so fatigued and/or anemic that I put the exercise on hold. It’s on hold again as you read this as I wait for the results of my COVID PCR test. The rapid test was negative, but work requires the PCR.

One of my wiser decisions was to back off from theater management and working weekends at the amusement park. I also turned down some theater performance opportunities so that, come November, I was able to focus on just the wearing of the red suit. But even that remained a challenge.

So, there’s still work to do.

Water. Nutrition. Exercise. Rest.



I set a Goodreads goal for 2021 that I didn’t meet. It wasn’t even that ambitious.

To be fair, during the treatment, there were times that I just didn’t feel like reading. Or, if I did, I’d end up falling asleep. It’s not that I didn’t read. I just didn’t read as much as I had planned.

Or perhaps I didn’t read as many books as I had planned. I have multiple columnists that I read on almost a daily basis. And I’ve spent a lot of time listening to Chopped Bard (while driving), and the British History Podcast.

Still, there’s nothing quite like settling down with a good book.

I have a list. That list includes another read through the Bible. I’ve established a plan and intend to go through the The Message this time. Plus I’m additing a devotional This Day with the Master by Dr. Dennis Kinlaw. Dr. Kinlaw was President of Asbury College (now University) when I attended. His words still carry significant meaning in my life.

I’m not sure if I’ll set another Goodreads goal. I probably will.

Most of all, I just plan to keep reading.


Simply put, I’ll rise to the challenges that face me.

Sure we’ve all been doing that, especially over the last two years. But my intent is 2022 is to rise above them and move on.

It may be health, it may be politics, it may be finances.

What I’m saying is that I don’t intend to let the circumstances get me down.

Life is good.

Our God is great.

I’ve just finished reading the last chapter of The Book. In spite of everything that may have happened before, we win in the end.

If that doesn’t give one a reason to rise, I don’t know what does.

There you have it, my three words for 2022.

Don’t worry. I’ll get back to you on the progress.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy the parade.

Then let’s get back to work.

Photo by Florencia Viadana on Unsplash

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