ABCs of Thanksgiving – R is for Reading

I’ve always been a reader.

I think I mentioned this in a recent post. Perhaps if I read my own blog I’d remember when I said it. But good stories are worth telling again.

I’ve been a reader since way back when I got the award for “Best Boy Reader” one summer from the public library. I even got my picture in the local paper.

I will confess, however, that I don’t read as much as 1) I should, 2) I want to, and 3) I used to.

Life gets in the way.

But if you’re following these posts where I said I was thankful for the word “No” and thankful for Quiet, then perhaps I’ll be finding more time to read.

That’s the plan anyway.

It’s a true story that many times when I sit down to ready my eyes are tired from staring at the computer screen.

The screen where technically I’m reading, but it’s not books. I have the Kindle app, but I prefer paper books where I can actually turn the page.

It’s also true that many times when I sit down to ready I’ll fall asleep. Nothing wrong with that. It just keeps me from hitting the Goodreads goal.

I have been reading through several books. And this year I decided that my scripture reading would be the New Testament and the Psalms. I will complete that by the end of December. Then on January 1, I’ll start all over with the plan to read the entire Bible again in 2022.

I have plenty of books to be reading. Probably more than I’ll ever read. And that’s okay.

I’ve made it a goal to always have a book with me. Sometimes I accopmlish that. I’ll work more on it next year.

I’m thankful for reading.

Photo by Ergita Sela on Unsplash

ABCs of ThanksgivingBooksGoodreadsLifeNew TestamentPsalmsReading