But What About Second Monday?

1776: We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. – Benjamin Franklin

2021: Your post hurts my feelings.

It’s Been a Hard Days Week

Over the weekend, the United States and I both celebrated our birthdays.

It was a fairly low key weekend for me.

Dinner with a good friend on Friday night. Errands and transporting the boy to work on Saturday along with some delightful cupcakes that totally spoiled my diet.

Scores of birthday wishes and prayers via Facebook. I am blessed.

Saturday night I was even blessed with a good night’s sleep. Fitbit said I slept 8 ½ hours. They were not uninterrupted, but still, not bad. I made up for it Sunday night.

I’m still not back in the habit of writing for the blog every day. I had a post drafted for Friday that I re-drafted for a rare Saturday post. It was far too whiney.

I don’t want that. You don’t want that.

Let’s just say that it was a rough week getting through the treatments. But, Friday was #8 and I’m going to

(click the pic)

round up and count that as one-third done.

Speaking of the treatments. If you’re following me on Facebook, I greet each session with a lyric containing the corresponding number. Some days are a challenge. But when this is all over, I promise a play list.

You may have caught on that it’s difficult for me to focus on anything else these days. I’m sure trying.

I’ve binged the heck out of some of my favorite movies and yesterday started re-watching LOST. The early years of that show were some of the best television ever.

Still, I should be writing, and more than just this blog.

I don’t think I ever really have writer’s block. I can certainly sit down and type, even if it’s just rambling nonsense.

That’s sort of where my mind when Sunday night when I couldn’t sleep. For a while I couldn’t decide if I was replaying all of life’s most embarrassing moments, which will definitely not be in anything I write…at least not with my own name.

Or were the random, obscure memories an encouragement to remember that I really do have a lot of great source material collected over the last sixty-some years.

Somewhere around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning I was thinking “these would make great stories.”

And like any responsible writer I got up and wrote down the ideas. Right?

NARRATOR: Not right.

I do remember enough to realize that, yes, there are hundreds if not thousands of stories packed away in that gray matter.

So, I’ve issued myself a challenge.

In addition to my daily thousand words, which often rambles up to fifteen-hundred these days, I’m going to jump in the time machine and write one or more of those memories.

They may surface to the public one day. Chances are they’ll be more of a writing exercise. But that can be a good thing.

I’m a writer.

I know the important thing, regardless of whatever else may fall onto my to do list, is that I am a writer and that I should keep on writing.

Maybe even in the middle of the night.








Majority Of Americans Believe That ‘Others,’ Not Biden, Are Calling The Shots In The White House: Poll
Daily Wire
A new poll released on Monday found the majority of Americans believe that “others” are really running the show in President Joe Biden’s administration and not Biden himself. Read More.

Journalists Facing Slow News Day As Biden Has Not Eaten Ice Cream Yet
The Babylon Bee
“Ugh… why is this so hard?” said Washington Post correspondent Sethro McBubbles as he banged his head against the keyboard. “Crimewave in Chicago? Meh. Crackdown in Hong Kong? Boring. Oh, WHY can’t President Biden go get another chocolate chocolate chip waffle cone? Now THAT would be newsworthy. I hate slow news days.” Read More.

Divisive critical race theory spits on the Civil Rights Movement
Representative Byron Donalds in The Washington Times
Critical race theory is divisive at its core. This movement to indoctrinate our children is the definition of reverse racism and spits in the face of the Civil Rights Movement led by American heroes such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Read More.

New laws for Virginia drivers
Richmond Times Dispatch
On July 1, the Virginia gas tax crept up 5 cents to 26.2 cents per gallon, and the diesel fuel tax increased from 20.2 cents to 27 cents. Read More.


The British History Podcast

Chopped Bard




The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

CancerDecisionsFaith and FamilyIndependenceInsomniaProjectstreatmentsTuesdayWriting and Business