How About Some Social Media Distancing?

Editor’s Note: We are on day 122 of 15 days to slow the spread.

I had a really snappy title and twist on today’s post until I realized I was mixing up my Greek mythology.

It was brilliant. Until it wasn’t.

I could also have riffed on Bastille Day, or French National Day.  I don’t tend to celebrate because my French Huguenot ancestors were here before the Bastille needed storming.

While most of my knowledge of French history comes from Les Miserables…and yes, I’ve read the book…I know that Les Miserables is not about the French Revolution.

But, I do like their fries.

On any given day, you know, like today, I can be seen managing six different email accounts, four websites, three Twitter accounts, Four Instagram accounts, and three Facebook pages, not including my own personal Facebook account.

But, it’s okay, because I can manage it on up to four devices.

I’m not bragging. It’s just what I do.

Some days, I use this power for good.

That usually consists of not responding to the idiots or the trolls.

More and more, I’m finding that it’s just healthier to step away and take a break.

You’ll have to storm the Bastille, or Twitter, without me.

It’s mid-summer and there’s little to dream about.

I’m counting down the days to our beach vacation. We’re going later in August for many reasons. We booked a week right before school is supposed to start.

Supposed. To.

It’s Tuesday. Take some time to step away from the keyboard.

Vive la France.

Please stand.