The First Five Days

The first five days after the weekend are always the hardest.

And yet, this week, I’ve done it.

I finally managed to have a week with a blog post on every day.

Let’s stop right here for a minute and talk about how this didn’t happen. Last night, I worked on graphics project and other theater-related stuff. This post was already written, I just needed to set it to publish this morning. I didn’t remember that until I was already in bed.

So, all for you dear reader, I got up to come and post. Unfortunately, I got an error message that my site had exceeded its bandwidth. I dashed off a note to my provider for assistance and, long story short, here I am.

You’re welcome.

Is this brilliant writing that set the world on fire?

No, but baby steps, okay?

Truth is, I’m typing my way through this whole process of figuring out whether I continue this blog or move on.

Tune in on Monday to find out.

Heck, I might even surprise myself.

For now, let’s celebrate the accomplishment of five posts this week. (I already said that, please try to keep up.)

And, the accomplishment of casting my show in Williamsburg.

And, the fact that I head back to Kings Dominion tomorrow for leadership training. We open at the end of March.

Yard? What yard?

In other news, Goodreads reminds me that I’m currently reading five books and am four books behind in my 2020 reading challenge.

We’re here at the end of the month, technically that’s tomorrow, but it’s once again time to take an assessment of where we’ve been and where we’re going.

I mean, sometimes you just have to keep starting over.

On a side note, I read the other day that someone suggested we change Leap Year to non-election years so we don’t have to put up with the crap for an extra day.

I see the wisdom in that.

I also see the wisdom of taking some time to breathe. Some time to, once again, reassess what is important.

Lent is a good season for that.

Here at the end of the second month, I’m sort of glad that I didn’t rattle off a list of resolutions and goals for the year. I simply wrote at the end of last year that I wanted to do better and be better.

I still do. So that’s what I’m working on.

February is my least favorite of all the months. The glow of Christmas has faded, and we seem to be sloshing our way toward Spring. I think whoever decided to make it the shortest month must have known that.

It looks as though we have dodged the worst of winter. Although I’m not putting my plants outside just yet. I’ve seen some pretty nasty weather in March, and even April.

But, Spring is coming.

And yes, Easter is coming.

We have that to look forward to.

For now, let’s get this weekend underway.

bandwidthblogEasterFridayspringWeekendWorkWriting and Business