Recaffeinated Mondays: Where Have I Been?

I’m back.

I think.

A friend, who is also a cast-mate, asked me last week “why did you stop writing on your blog?”

It was almost like she hadn’t seen me at rehearsals (and she’s chuckling as she reads this).

But, the reality is, that I’ve been in rehearsals or performances since August.

I did not misspeak.


I directed Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap with River City Community Players.

I performed as a scaractor at Kings Dominion’s Halloween Haunt.

I performed as Santa in Tinker’s Toy Factory at Kings Dominion’s Winterfest (and did side appearances as Santa).

I co-produced and acted in Bloomsday with Chamberlayne Actors Theatre. We just closed on Saturday. If you didn’t see it, the Luck o’ the Irish is obviously not with you.

Did I mention that Tuesday we’re holding auditions for the next show I’m directing, True West with Panglossian Productions in Williamsburg?

And Saturday, I start with merchandise training for the season at Kings Dominion.

Yes, I still have the day job. Why do you ask?

Along the way, I’ve continued my project of writing a thousand words a day. They just aren’t words I want published. Perhaps not even posthumously.

Speaking of which, in the case of my untimely demise, I need one of you to come clear my cache.

And remember, I’m a writer, that was all research.

Speaking of being a writer, I should stop talking about it and start doing more of it.

I worked on that as well this past week. It bit the bullet and did one of those online classes from the experts. This was how to write a better blog post (not exactly the term they used).

So, how am I doing?

I mean, I know I often snark about the experts that want to sell me their program that will enable me to make bazillions (maybe that’s how Bloomberg did it) selling my writing. But the truth is, if I had the $995 (the latest price) to spend on their program, I wouldn’t need it.

Still, this last one was $11, a.k.a. eleven bucks. I figured what the heck? I can spring for that.

So, I did. The instruction was good, but it was all a little overwhelming. We were taught by videos on Facebook. It was a bit daunting because there were so many people there competing for the attention of the instructors.

You know, kinda like life.

To be totally honest, by about Friday, I was weary with trying to keep up with the assignments. So, I didn’t. I still watched the lessons and took notes. I just didn’t get the individual feedback like I wanted.

Still, it was worth the eleven dollars without the feedback. I got some valuable information and links to some helpful resources.

Why am I telling you all of this?

In part this is a self-reminder that I need to get off of my backside and be more serious about writing. The irony, of course, being that I need to apply my backside to my chair to be able to write.

I realize that you, dear reader, have been denied the blessing of my daily dose of brilliance.

Go ahead. I’ll wait right here whilst you roll your eyes.

But, I’ve also been working to spend more of my “free” time doing the actual writing.

Sometimes that will show up here. This is one of those times.

Tomorrow might be another one of those times. But, no promises.

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