Distracted Divisiveness

It’s November 1.

Unlike what I last wrote, I may be participating in NaNoWriMo.

I have a plot and I’m not afraid to use it.

In full disclosure, I’ve had this plot floating around in my gray matter for some time. I may not make the 50,000 word goal in November. By the time you read this, I’ll have a start on this work.

If I don’t get distracted.

Truth is, I’m already distracted.

Tomorrow night is the final night for Haunt at Kings Dominion. I look forward to having my face and my voice back.

But next Friday, I start rehearsals for Winterfest also at Kings Dominion. So, I won’t be getting my weekends back…yet.

Did I mention that I’m already working on two of next year’s (confirmed) three shows?

All that to say that, sure I’m distracted.

Here in Virginia Tuesday is Election Day. You should know the issues and the people and THEN vote.

We’re a bit divided here in the Old Dominion, just like the nation.

The nation has recently been divided over the World Series.

Congrats to the Washington Nationals.

Stop me if you heard this, but the win was…wait for it….Bryce-less.

I think the majority of us can agree that we’re just glad it wasn’t the Yankees.

We’re also divided over politics, and Russia, and impeachment. Heck we couldn’t even unify over the fact that a leader of ISIS (or two) was taken out.

What may unify us this weekend, however, is the falling back of the clocks.

Can we not all be in agreement that there is absolutely no sense in the insanity called “Daylight Saving Time”?

Pick a time and stick with it.

Or at least take the hour from a Monday and give it back on a Friday.

Sensible legislation that we all could agree upon. Is that too much to ask?


It’s the weekend. October is gone.

Here’s Barry to remind us.

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