Best Regards

Molly Brown : What’s that mean? Best regards?
‘Leadville’ Johnny Brown : Well it means not just ‘regards’, but best regards.

From The Unsinkable Molly Brown.

American actor and singer, Harve Presnell, was born on this day in 1933 (died 2009).

It’s Friday. And it’s hard to think about much other than weather.

Well, that and all the stuff I’m not going to get done this weekend because of the weather.

Not to snark at the impact of the storm which, again as of this writing, is tracking far south of us.

But, we’re already soaked.

And, with regard to the yard and house projects, I’m already behind. Assuming it ever dries out, I may end up using some more of that ample vacation time to get caught up.

Trust me, I’ve earned it.

For now, forced to be inside yet again on the weekend, we’ll deal with indoor projects, of which there are also many.

We can’t control the weather. I’m pretty sure none of us here in Virginia would have ordered a summer like the one we’ve had.

We know for darn sure no one put in an order for a hurricane.

Well, except for the Republican President.

I’m joking of course, but any day I expect the headline proclaiming “This is Trump’s Katrina.”

It. Will. Happen.

For now, it’s on to the weekend and using the indoor time to regroup, to catch up on reading and writing projects. And, maybe to have one of those wine and painting sessions when only one person shows up.

Best regards for your weekend.

Not just regards, but Best Regards.


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FridayHarve PresnellLiferainThe Unsinkable Molly BrownWeekend