
It’s Wednesday. Hump day if you will.

But seriously, this Mike is also over the camel jokes.

It appears that we finally have said goodbye to winter. Although I’m well aware that there can be some chilly, rainy days ahead in May.

But the flowers are in full bloom. Things are turning green.

Or in the case of my truck, yellow with pollen.

Here at mid-week we’re all likely thinking of what we have to do before the weekend arrives.

Still, it’s good to take a moment and just breathe.

Take a few deep breaths. Pause. Nap if you can.

We’ll get through this.

And this time next week today’s problems will be old news.

Because, of course, we’ll all have a new set of problems.

But the one thing that’s certain is that life goes on.

If you remember to breathe.


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Cover Photo by Jakub Jacobsky on Unsplash

BreatheCamelHump DayLifeWednesday