At the End of the First Quarter

Some days I have more trouble coming up with what to write about than others.

This is one of those days.

I found nothing on the “This Day In History” pages or “Born on this Day” pages that inspired me for today. Well, almost, but I’ll get to that in a minute.

I generally try to write my posts a week ahead of time. That’s a challenge. But it’s also a reality because I often need to get these done because the weeknights are full of rehearsals or events or other…stuff.

And, I can’t recall it right now but there’s something I do during the days…don’t snark, I’ll remember it soon enough when Monday gets here (appropriate thought for when I’m writing this as well as when you’ll be

Mug Shots
(click the pic)

reading it).

I talked some about this on Wednesday, but I thought that perhaps this was a good day to take a better look back at my intent to Get Things Done in 2018.

It’s the end of the first quarter.

Sadly, not like the end of the fourth quarter of last Friday’s game between UVA and UMBC.

Too soon? What’s a Hokie fan to do?

Back to the story.

It really goes back to my More or Less post of January 2. In full disclosure, I should review that list more often.

I vowed to work on the following:

Read more: I talked about this yesterday. Goodreads my disagree with the pace of my reading. But I think I’m doing okay. I’ve read about nine books, maybe ten or eleven by the time you get to reading this. I’ll hit that goal of 50 books by New Year’s Eve. I have reminded myself that there are many down times. I should always travel with a book so that I can put down the phone and read.

Celebrate more: We did make the Mardi Gras party this year, and a cast party. More opportunities are ahead and we plan to get there when we can.

Work less, or more importantly, work smarter: I’m working on that…so to speak. I continually review the paraphernalia that I have to take with me to remain organized, and that system is changing. But I’m trying to be efficient with my time. Trying.

Play more: We’re trying to figure out the beach thing. And we’re trying to find more opportunities…between rehearsals and yard work and upcoming graduations and other milestones.

Eat less, or eat more better: It’s challenge. I’m trying to get back into the primal eating plan. I feel better when I do.

Exercise more: Again, I’m trying. Both the eating and the exercise plans have been a challenge since last fall’s accident. But, that was five months ago now. I can’t keep using that as an excuse. And, I won’t.

Write more: I’m keeping up with the blog and the daily writing of at least 1000 words that no one else gets to read. I’ve also “finished” the script and submitted it to one contest. I’m struggling to get back to the novel. I will, but it’s a challenge to get back into that groove.

Create more: Other than my daily Instagram quotes, I’m not doing much here. Again, I will. I suppose I could rationalize this by saying hey I’m creating the written word and I’m creating a kick-ass stage play, and I’m directing another. All true, but I have a need to create visual stuff…maybe I should create a yard that doesn’t offend the neighbors.

I digress…but you see the struggle…right?

Spend less: Still working on it. I did cancel Audible before the free trial ran out. And, while I’m tempted, I’ve not yet signed up for BroadwayHD. This one is hard because, well, we have a senior in high school and there are senior pictures and all the fun things that go along with that…the key here is to not spend randomly…it’s about those choices we talked about…remember?

Give more: We’re working on that, and we’ve made some progress.

Keep less: In full disclosure, I have to finish the yard first before I tackle the garage. But I want to…oh, how I want to…and I will.

Worship more: This is probably the subject of another full post that I’m not sure I’m ready to write. Let’s just say I feel a need, and I know that I need to better in this regard.

Pray more: I can always improve in this area.

So, there you have it. Whether or not this post was helpful for you, it was a good review for me. And perhaps an appropriate kick in the fanny.

I would be remiss if I did not mention today that this would have been my father’s 89th birthday. Would that we had him with us that long. He was 49 when he passed. I was 20. I still miss him. I also wrote more about this day in That Awful March of 1983.

We’re at the weekend. Sunday is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. Take some time to reflect.

Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

Zechariah 9:9

Finally, I’ll be taking a little more time than the weekend to reflect.  I really didn’t “do” Lent this year, and I could use some time for contemplation, not to mention organization.  Don’t worry, this isn’t a permanent break.  Right now the plan is to be back just after Easter…that’s April 2nd.
That’s the plan, anyway.
I’ll be working my way through Jerusalem these next two weeks.  See you on the other side.
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Cover Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Born on this DayfamilyGet Things DoneMarchMore or LessprogressReviewWeekend