That’s the Plan

“One of the greatest things in human life is the ability to make plans. Even if they never come true-the joy of anticipating is irrevocably yours. That way one can live many more than just one life.”

Maria Augusta von Trapp, The Story of the Trapp Family Singers

I’ve never read the full story of the Trapp Family Singers. My knowledge is pretty much based on The Sound of Music, which doesn’t exactly tell the whole story.

But whether it was the real Maria von Trapp, or Julie Andrews, or any of the hundreds of actresses who have played that part over the years, Maria never planned to have to escape from the Nazis.

The Write Side Shop
(click the pic)

Well, except for that part about it being in the script of the musical.

We’ve all had plans in life that haven’t worked…well…according to plan.

It is more than fair to say that much of my life has evolved as it has for the specific reason that I didn’t plan.

Don’t judge me.

These days I’m always planning something. Whether for the day job or the dream job.

Or for the vacation away from both.

Professionally, I spent eight years in Washington DC as a meetings and conventions planner. I talked about that recently…I didn’t plan to mention it so I forget which post that was.

More often than not these days, planning involves the next theatrical event. I’ve been planning for the show I’m directing for months now. It’s coming together as auditions are happening in March.

I’m also planning the writing jobs, which includes the novel, and the next, actually yes, the next script.

I may also have mentioned recently that I’m planning for retirement.

Some of my plans will come together. Some will not.

The shows will happen. The writing will happen. The retirement will happen.

Maybe not exactly according to exact plan, but they will happen.

For now, I enjoy the anticipation of things to come.

You know it’s that whole “Climb Every Mountain, ’til you find your dream” sequence.

Planning gives us hope. It gives us the courage, and the energy to carry on when the $@$%*!s are trying to get us down.

I mean, come on, can’t you just envision me parking my ample backside on a warm, sandy beach and reading the rave reviews of my latest novel or play?

There may also be a #morningcup or #eveningcup involved.

What? You can’t see that?

Hey, you kids, get off my lawn!

But, come back Monday.

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Cover Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

Faith and FamilyFutureLifeMaria von TrappPlansThe Sound of Music