In which we thank Columbus for a Three-Day Weekend

Sooner or later you must move down an unknown road that leads beyond the range of the imagination, and the only certainty is that the trip has to be made.

American historian and author, Bruce Catton, was born on this day in 1899 (died 1978)

I probably need to read more Bruce Catton.

Today is the Columbus Day holiday, celebrated in recognition of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas on October 12, 1492.

The Write Side Shop
(click the pic)

The day is not without controversy, but I’m not going to get into that here. If you’re a long-time reader (and if not, you should be), you know that I generally don’t judge what happened in history based on today’s standards. Rather, I think it’s important to learn history, to understand that standards of hundreds of years ago were different and based on the knowledge at the time, and to move forward instead of trying to rewrite the past.

Teach history. Don’t erase it.

The arrival of Christopher Columbus set a great many things in motion. Some good. Some not-so-good.

For me, it set in motion the events for me to have a three-day weekend. And that’s a very good thing.

It’s Columbus Day. It’s also Monday, but without the usual Monday angst. We get that tomorrow.

I am coming off of a weekend of performances with Dance, Drama, and Beyond a production of K-Dance and CAT Theatre (among other sponsors).

I am also coming to a period where, for the foreseeable future anyway, I have no rehearsals. True that at the end of the month I have a couple of one-day events to which I look forward on an annual basis. But the preparation is minimal. Both are historical events, by the way. More in a future post.

So, it’s back to the script. And back to the yard. Although whilst I write this the weather reports for tomorrow have us receiving a fair amount of rain from the remnants of Tropical Storm Nate.

I’m not complaining, we rather desperately need some rain. And it’s not like the yard won’t still be there next weekend.

So, I’m using the extra time to take care of some business and get caught up on some things today. There’s a good about of personal/family business I need to tend to.

And somewhere around here there’s a script that I’ve had to set aside for the last two weeks due to theatre commitments.

It’s all good. Regrouping is a good thing.

Life is not a marathon. ‘Cause you know I don’t run.

But I do strive to keep moving forward. That’s what it’s all about. We keep working toward our goals.

I mean, if Columbus had given up the first time he was denied sponsorship for his journey, I’d be at the office today.

So, don’t give up on your goals.

We could always use another three-day weekend.

Whilst I’m no longer searching for five things to link to every day, sometimes I come across things that I think it would be helpful for you to read. The articles below are particularly relevant considering the recent events in Las Vegas. Read them with an open mind.

6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn’t Coming To Your Side On Gun Control
The Federalist
If you’re really looking to win over your gun-loving friend, try reading up on firearms, dumping anti-NRA talking points, and assume her or she is equally committed to preventing these evil acts.

Preserving What is Dear to Us
The Republican Standard
I think this fundamental motive is true for both sides of the gun control debate, and perhaps it can establish a foundation of commonality that at least allows one to understand the other.


Just because it’s Fall, and homecoming season, and this takes me back to high school…


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Cover Photo by Sweet Ice Cream Photography on Unsplash